Tonight my family is going to sit down and make vision boards:
our new annual tradition for New Year’s Eve.

This is my vision board for last year: my partner and I sat with a pile of magazines and a bottle of Veuve Cliquot… started with a lakshmi puja, and then went at posterboard with glue sticks:

note, nearly everything on this board was manifested. 

HUGE asks: I got pregnant and had a baby.

I moved into a West Village townhouse.

Although I did not buy my Hamptons house yet, I did rent a couple separate ones for 6 weeks this year and spent that time “out east”, in the charming and posh hamlets bordering the Atlantic ocean, where New Yorkers flock for country respite.

I am so looking forward to the beginning of 2017, if for no other reason than to stop hearing the complaining about 2016.

2016 blew on a lot of fronts, totally. I agree and disagree.

It was an epic year for me… Most notably, I launched the DIVINE FEMME immersion and virtual program, and of course had my first gorgeous child.

But let me be in integrity and show you the dark side of the manifested vision board:

DIVINE FEMME was astonishingly powerful, a labor of love from a decade of learning and a year of gestation. 50 women worked closely with me over the course of the first few months of the year. I created and set forth a giant event: I promised it would be “life-changing” weekend and women, many months later, still write to tell me it was.

What I didn’t expect was to get pregnant so quickly, so although I started the year with zero debt, I quickly went back into it, in order to birth this work of bringing the Divine Feminine to women who want to live in the real world.

I completely honored myself and my body in pregnancy, which meant taking much more time off than I expected. There is no “maternity leave” for my work, there is simply choosing to not work for a time, which means, to not make money for a time…

And as miraculous as it was to get pregnant on the first time we tried, we were not prepared… my partner and I did not live together. His work had massive business that would not pay off until 2017 and another family to take care of, and I found myself bamboozled with hormones that left me rage filled in my first trimester until about…. um, now.

Just because you get what you want, doesn’t mean that it will be perfect.

There were lots of fights.

I had to move two households while 7 months pregs.

Trump was elected in the middle of my 45 hour labor.

We saw, for real, how deeply divided this country is, with hate and racism being illuminated like never before.

All of those amazing people passed this year, and it seems everyone’s world was turned upside down.

And this past week, as I sat in a house that I rented in the most tawny section of East Hampton, feeling the effects of 7 weeks of no sleep, finding myself still very much in postpartum land and not “yay for 2017-fresh-start-to-a-new-year” land, I could easily have been grumpy. Because things weren’t exactly perfect.

But instead I chose to count my blessings. 

Look at what a year. Look at what ups and downs. Yes, there were roller coaster moments, but this gal never asked for endless cornfields, she was birthed seeking roller coasters.

And now, more than ever, I am so grateful that I had all of those years of spiritual work under my belt, because that rage? It can come and go. She has been processed out so that when she visits, she does not stick. I have no fear that she will bury me.

I see a lot of people jaded and upset by 2016. However empowerment is our choice. Blessings are our choice. Responsibility for our feelings and emotions are our choice and what lead to the blessings and empowerment.

So, grab your glue stick. I’m wishing you everything you’ve wanted in 2017. Not because it will be perfect. Or even because it will make us happy. But because I know, truly, that everything that comes to us, no matter what package it comes in, what process it ignites, or what president it elects, is there for our empowerment. Everything is a blessing.

Sending all the love,

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