Stop waiting.

What are you waiting for?
Please stop waiting.
Stop waiting to be somewhere else.
It does not get better on the other side of
The job
The relationship
The success
The milestone.
It does not get better
because that does not exist.

What exists is this moment. ::
And this one. ::
Oops, we missed it.
And now this one. ::
(missed it again, slipperly little m****er f***cker)
And here.  ::
And then they are gone

Peace is not when you get there.
It never is
and never will be.

And even if we momentarily have the illusion
of peace
of arrival
of achievement
of relief

I promise you
that will go.
And I don’t mean, I, in this little tan mid-summer body
I mean I the world, promises you.
And the world will go too,
slithering from the fingers of your grasp.

And if you think you did it…

Well, then where did you go?

That seems to me like a pretty hard way to choose to live.

We resist and hold simultaneously:
Uncomfortable, sticky, fleeting…
Especially if it is joyful, the fear creeps in:
Oh, no! it’s on the way out already…
Don’t take my joy.  Don’t take my moment!
yet it will go…

it will go,
Until we stop waiting.

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