A couple weeks ago, I was walking up a frigid Fifth Avenue during rush hour.

A young man ran up to me and tapped me on the shoulder.

He said, “I’m sorry, I just had to stop you… Everyone around here is hustling to get to their next place and you.. you look like you’re walking on… the beach!

Let it be noted, this was the day I had announced the DIVINE FEMME weekend. Between emails, launching, getting all in order, it was FULL ON and probably my most hectic day that month.

“Everyone’s rushing— are you done with your appointments for the day?”

I, in fact, was not— I was headed to an appointment squeezing it in before my weekly deeksha, after just having come from a meeting, and I was booked through to the end of the night.

So, how and why, in a sea of people rushing on 5th Avenue did it look like I was walking on the beach? So much so that a complete stranger (a cute one at that) would stop me and want to have a conversation with me…?

Magnetizing presence. THIS is Divine Femme

Let it also be noted, I was wearing flats, zero make-up, and one of those giant black sleeping bag coats that everyone wraps themselves in, in the dead of a New York winter. Not exactly my most glamorous moment.

There were literally millions of women walking up and down 5th Avenue that day, and he stopped me, sleeping bag coat, no make up, and all.

Because I was present. I was aware. I was comfortable in my own skin. And I radiated light. Not trying to, just by being. I wasn’t chanting affirmations or setting an intention to magnetize—

I didn’t have to, because DIVINE FEMME is now just where I live.

The other week, when I sent out the email about having the time of my life on a foreign dance floor, someone replied to it, telling me I am so much more than that— and that winning the “DNA lottery” shouldn’t make me excited about lighting up a room.

That is precisely NOT what I am talking about. 

I have been 20 years younger, 20 pounds thinner and have had faux breasts a cup size up that offered the perfect proportions of a timeless pinup.

And yet, I hated myself. And my mind was constantly worried about what I looked like, what people thought of me. My constant inner game was, “Who is the most beautiful person in the room?” If, by my estimation, it was me, I was thrilled and propped up. If I believed it to be someone else, my ego would take a blow.

I am speaking of FREEDOM from this judgement.

I am speaking of the freedom to live completely, unabashedly as ourselves no matter what someone else thinks of us.

For anyone who thinks that models or movie stars have it easier than people who haven’t won the “dna lottery”— he or she obviously hasn’t spoken to any. They are some of the most self-conscious, self-abusive people around: constantly needing to live up to a public persona of perfection that is simply impossible.

Even Oprah, possibly the most successful woman of all time, arguably one of the loudest spiritual cheerleaders and voices of our generation, still struggles on the daily with her body image. As clearly evidenced by the $43 million dollars she sank into acquiring a share of Weight Watchers and its following promotion, urging people that a leaner version of themselves was their best self.

I know men and women of all shapes, sizes, visages who are the most attractive and dynamic in a room.

And I know just as many who are silent, magnetizing creatures that vibrate light without saying a word. In their wake, someone will ask “Who was that?”

It is time for us to create a paradigm together that not ONE of us stand out, but we ALL shine together.  We’re not there yet, so you, the lightworkers, will naturally stand out. If and when we do this from a place devoid of ego, we inspire others.

Let’s champion each other to shine. To rise. To be the best that we can be in every moment of our day. Whether that’s quietly or loudly, let’s vibrate at our most authentic and highest selves, because THIS is what magnetizing truly is.

“Pin up” me was not the most magnetizing woman in the room. But sleeping bag lady is.

It’s not about how you look.
It’s about who you are BEING.

Magnetize on,
Margaret signature





DIVINE FEMME is an inner game and once you understand how it works, you’ll never be the same.

If you’re ready to step into your DIVINE FEMME, I have created an entire weekend to teach you  how.


You will learn about the DIVINE FEMME way of….

Body ~ Business ~ Boys to Men ~ Mind ~ Soul ~ Spirit ~Sacred Sex

Our time together will be informational, experiential and instructional. We will use spiritual technologies, sacred rituals, group exercises for realization, expansion + dancing it out.

You will leave in an elevated state of consciousness and a new soul squad in tow, with down-to-earth practices to integrate being DIVINE FEMME into your life.

We’re less than 3 weeks away and spaces are going fast.  If you want to join us, you can READ MORE HERE or you can PURCHASE YOUR TICKET DIRECTLY HERE.

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