Her passion.
Her expression.
Her expression of that passion with complete ownership.
Ownership as human: I am responsible for all that comes to and for me.
Ownership as Divine: there is a greater Force to which I am always, faithfully, gratefully in surrender.
Ownership as All: I am worthy, deserving + have infinite Light to give.
Ownership as Mother: I am part of all around me: I nurture the earth that sustains me.
Her ability to lead from intuition and Grace.
This power is soft. And it is FIERCE.
For CEOs, stay-at-home mommas or struggling artists: our external is irrelevant, internally, the same power is rising.
We are connected.
This POWER is coming forward to readjust our paradigm to something that works, that is nourishing for all.
Change rattles. It’s not always pretty. Who said it needs to be?
And when our perception is freed so that beauty is not what it *looks* like…
but what it FEELS like. Who it serves. HOW it serves.
And that we are strong enough to weather however that beauty needs to be birthed forth,
THAT’s when life CHANGES.
I hope you will join me for what women have dubbed a life-altering weekend:
October 8th + 9th in NYC, the DIVINE FEMME immersion.
For anyone who identifies herself as feminine and knows in her heart of hearts,
there is a way to thrive, lead, serve, be lavished and loved from this place and space.
And that this is not just best for her, but for One and All.
Limited spots, for a truly intimate, hand-held experience.
I can’t wait to share this with you.