the biggest lesson of my life

Did you think I fell off the face of the earth this week?

I did!  My Universe has been spinning with an “out of the blue” crazytown offer which I will tell y’all about later… I’m coming close to deciding, but regardless of what happens, here’s what I saw, which is maybe the biggest lesson of my life.

I have THE MOST remarkable, brilliant, steadfast support system for which a person could ever hope, wish or dream.  Someone very very close to me, who has been holding me every step of this way, even mirrored this to me one morning:

soul karaoke: healing childhood hurts

Last week I wrote a post about singing your little soul out to the Universe to foster that beneficent, yummy super abundant, secure connection to, ya know, Everything.

Just click right here if you need to catch up on that.

I wanted to build on that post because sometimes in the depths of the ick, it’s tough to get there.  When momma’s having a sh**y day, she’s not thinkin’ of singing to sunshine.  Also, when we’re in different stages of healing or different levels of consciousness, our communication desires and needs are different.  No one way is wrong because what works for one person or one moment at one time is exactly the perfect action for him or her.

what happens when we’re spiritually stuck

Have you ever used a Vitamix?  Man, those things are like the Lamborghinis of blenders.  I have been coveting one for years and I think that this is the month I finally break down (tiny closet-sized West Village kitchen be darned,) scootch the juicer westward on my granite, forsake all countertop space whatsoever and bestow a permanent parking spot to my very own Vitamix.

This thing can make smoothies out of golf balls.
In 12 seconds.
It’s the bomb.

a deep delve into forgiveness: why we can’t just throw around love

I’m all about Love.  I have two teensy love tattoos on my wrists to remind me to ask for Love each time I bless something out.  I am all for the underlying Universal Love and the acceptance of this Truth and the inadvertent, unconscious pull we have to rejoin with this Love.

But I’ve also been seeing a lot of blind black and white regarding Love and Its pursuits.

Reaching for love?
Rather than being: the best!  We are now substituting achievement for being guided: to be love!


This might seem off topic for me, since I would, never, ever ever claim to be any sort of chef.  Particularly because I tend to be a persnickety foodie and have a discerning palate that annoyed my mother throughout my childhood.   (What do you do when your 10 year old refuses to eat cold cuts?  Oh, mom, I’m so sorry, thank you for putting up with me…)

Most seriously, I’ve been interested in nutrition since about 16 and remember going to the Whole Foods in college thinking: I wish I could buy stock in this; this is the future.  Whole Foods wasn’t a public company then, nor did I have any money, but still, the interest had been birthed.  Oh, if only!