At the beginning of this year, I just couldn’t even.

I was getting all of the “let’s start fresh!” New Year’s challenges and resolutions and all of the brouhaha that begins with bringing in an new January, and all I wanted to do was ease in with no fanfare and wish for perhaps a little more sleep.

And now the summer season officially starts this weekend with Memorial Day upon us (um, where did that go?), and the light and warmth and longer days with plenty of sunshine are reinvigorating me to consciously create what I want in this life. 

I’m privately going through a doozy of a time right now. This moment, typing this, is the first moment I’ve had alone all week. As spectacular a boy as Bo is, to solo parent 24/7 for a week (or a life, for some( is undeniably draining, for any superhero mom or dad.

I’ll finally have some time this weekend to a) get back to equilibrium (or as near to it as I can get, for now.) b) go past balanced, to the space of conscious creation. (I hope.)

Because, YOU know, I am ALL about the feel the feels. *That* is how we raise our consciousness: to authentically meet each moment with true vulnerability and acceptance. WE can’t raise our consciousness, it is an automatic happening: a blessing of Divine Providence. 

But let’s be frank: when we’re lying on the bathroom floor in a puddle of tears, it ain’t doin’ much to create our vision.

However, we can’t have one without the other. If we try to create a vision during a time when we’re processing and need to be internal and true to the moment, it will fall flat. (Not to mention, it will feel a lot harder.)

So I’m in a place of a little bit of both. We all are, mostly, on any given day. 

I need visioning. Process AND ritual. 

In my lazy roll into 2018, I didn’t do a vision board this year, so why not do one halfway through?

In 2016, my vision board was all baby. I got pregnant in February.

In 2017, I had ONE picture on my vision board: a house in the Hamptons. When I pasted it on there, I had NO idea where the money would come from to make it happen, and yet it still miraculously unfolded in front of me. I went into contract in February and closed in March.

Now, with both of those miraculous manifestations came a whole host of other insane problems. (More on that in person… Be careful what you wish for!) So this time around I am going to spend extra time intentioning (is that a word?) for the wake of my intentions.

And waaaaaaayyyyy more important than just identifying what we want— it’s the energetic alignment and the measure of our consciousness that decides how quickly we receive that (if at all.)

On June 7th, I’m going to be holding a special vision boarding event in NYC, complete with a Lakshmi ritual. It’s always incredibly powerful to gather in group to have people to witness your dreams. (hint: it accelerates the process, plus makes you feel all warm and snuggly inside.)

When is the last time you spent an evening with a group present specifically devoted to SEEING WHO YOU ARE AND WHAT YOU WANT. For me? Honestly, it’s been a while.

You can see and share the link here:

But if you’re not in NYC, or you’re a DIY kind of guy or gal, I’m sharing my ritual guide here with you. You can download it for free at this link:

There’s no question, when I utilize ritual for a desire or a transition, or a difficult time in my life, it helps ease and brighten the process. It’s just that simple, although many times, I have to even remind myself to do it.

I hope you will join me on June 7th, and if not, let me know how your rituals go. I’m addicted to seeing that Devotion in action. 





p.s. 64 DEEKSHA for blessing givers only is a week from today! Sign up here:

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