It’s important for me to allow access for women to the DIVINE FEMME weekend that have a burning desire to be here + are in a tight spot with resources.
Before I offer you deets, I want to let you know that a core tenet of DIVINE FEMME is the new paradigm of supporting each other.
Old paradigm is:

Oh, my friend just opened a new restaurant, free stuff!
I’ve given enough here, what am I getting??
Spiritual growth should be free. 

New paradigm is:

I know an energetic exchange offers me the most integrative value for my experience.

I trust this person and know he/she will offer me the goods, I want to help him/her expand her reach. 

I’m worth it. How I give is how I will receive. 
The way I operate in life these days (not always in the past!) is in a spirit of generosity. When a friend offers a course, opens a retreat center, publishes a new book, I WANT to pay full price. I want to support them!

A few years ago, power sisters Danielle Laporte and Marie Forleo offered a one day course in NYC called “Selling Your Soul.” It was a business workshop for soulful entrepreneurs.
It was $1000 for the day. I desperately wanted to go. At that time, I couldn’t swing it. I didn’t even have $1000 available on a credit card to get there, because believe me, if I did, I would have been there.
To this day, I’m upset that I missed it. As I’ve given more, I’ve received more and last year I spent multiple 5 figures on coaching, courses and growth. Anything I made, even from other resources than just my Urban Oneness work, was put to this growth.

When you invest in yourself, that flow expands and what you receive and what you expect to receive expands.

Simply put: the more you GIVE, the more you GET.
That being said— I know there are women out there that are the ladies that want so much to be at the DIVINE FEMME weekend and don’t have the funds in their credit or bank accounts (yet!). The ladies who were me just a few years ago!
So, for you: we’re offering a few scholarship slots to DIVINE FEMME weekend. Who knows, maybe more 🙂

There are TWO simple STEPS to submit for scholarship.

  1. Email me directly (you can reply here; I will read all entries, of course) and tell me why you DESIRE to be at DIVINE FEMME.
  2. Post a pic on social media (Instagram or Facebook) with the hashtag #iamdivinefemme and a link to the weekend:
  • this can be a picture of you, right now. (You are always Divine Femme.)
  • this can be a picture of you at your best + brightest moment, a moment when you felt proud of loved
  • this can be a picture pulled from Google images that is a metaphorical representation of what DIVINE FEMME means to you (a Goddess, a mommy, a skyline, a sunset.)
  • be sure to tag me in your post so I can see you!

If you want to do more + be more creative, go for it!*
(*Please note kickass content may be shared publicly.)

DEADLINE is Monday October 2nd at 5pm EST. Winners will be announced Monday evening. Don’t overthink it! You know what your heart wants; write from there.

I am SO looking forward to hearing your desires. If you are already registered, you may encourage a friend to join you!

All in love,

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