Your soul’s destiny brought you here for a reason. It’s time to rise.

You are fierce, whip smart and soulful. No doubt.

It’s time to transcend the old paradigm where we fight to edge our way into a man’s world.

It’s time to lead a ridiculously inspired, seriously magical, divine life full of enthusiasm and ease.

It’s time to live in radiance within your romantic relationships + be a light to the world.

It’s time to ride out the good and the “bad” with equal Grace.

In the Western world, the masculine has reigned for centuries.

It’s clear our global energies and resources on every level are due for an overhaul.

It’s time to lead the way by embodying our highest, richest essence + appreciating all the Divine swag in our life.

Introducing Divine Femme Virtual:

A global 6-week course with participants around the world in a hand-held journey into your truest and deepest self. A deep dive into the six most important topics in leading from your feminine, structured with supported sisterhood, multimedia participation, personal coaching, within a vibrant community.

  • Each week will be a video with Margaret, delivering content and teachings.
  • Worksheets and meditations to gently edge on your expansion.
  • Weekly Wednesday evening LIVE group coaching calls to dive into and answer any of your specific problems and questions. (If you missed the call or want to repeat it, recordings will be available!) Calls will be 7-8:15PM EST + will include weekly meditations + individual coaching.
  • An active, private Facebook group with on hand personal attention.
  • Bonus content with exclusive interviews from successful women I see most embodying a successful DIVINE FEMME lifestyle.

FIRST SESSIONS: 6 weeks, April 10th- May 21st (registration open until April 7th)

Over the last two and a half years of teaching the Mystic Mastermind to only women, there has been a palpable evolution: the Divine Feminine is yearning to break through to center stage.This is not about being girly. Or weak. It’s not bathed in pink. This is about the feminine rising to balance out the masculine + feminine on this planet. This is about IGNITING both within ourselves and within the world.

margaret nichols prayer in nature

What we will cover in Divine Femme:

Body ~ Business ~ Boys to Men ~ Mind ~ Soul ~ Spirit ~Sacred Sex

You will leave in an elevated state of consciousness and a new soul squad in tow, with down-to-earth practices to integrate being DIVINE FEMME into your life.

OLD PARADIGM: Competition, striving, and aggression that leaves us depleted and sick.
NEW PARADIGM: Collaboration, ease, and magnetic radiance

You will learn how to:

  • authentically lead from your feminine (not just slap lipstick on a power suit,) so you feel empowered, not ransacked or overwhelmed by your work
  • let go of control in your relationships and why SURRENDERING is really your ultimate superpower (believe me, it’s not as scary as it sounds!)
  • be fully appreciative and totally in your body as a portal to ecstatic pleasure + instantaneous healing
  • celebrate the masculine: learning how to + why we champion it and how this can support your own highest light (we yearn for our men to be strong. we also want an integrated masculine force at the ready within ourselves.)
  • completely connect to spirit — live a life of intuition, miracles + guided grace
  • bring to awareness your ancestry + lineage so you are no longer carrying (and unconsciously living from) old “stories” and patterns of women’s past karma before you
  • shine up your own unique essence in a curated vortex of passionate, soulful women that have your back

Who is this for:

This is for women who are…
haute ~ powerful ~ fierce ~ bold ~ spiritual ~ sexy ~ empowered ~ business savvy ~ real but love the woo ~ down to earth ~ longing to lead from heart + intuition ~l onging to love every bit of their being + body

Who is this not for:

Voyeurs. this is a whole-hearted participatory experience. We expect all the loves to play full out and dive in. Divine Femme is not the new hottest thing. Divine Femme is a way of life.

Q & A:

Here are a few questions you might be thinking:

1. I’ve done a lot of spiritual work— how is this different?

Me too sista! 15 years of deep spiritual work, 10 years of events + teaching, and the last few expressly focused on this spiritual masculine/feminine dynamic, and I ONLY just realized one of the key components of this work a couple of months ago. It can take time to unravel. More importantly, the energies in the world have shifted so that we are ready and receptive for this new level of spiritual information. You’re ready and it’s time.

2. How is this different than the DIVINE FEMME IMMERSION weekend that just
happened in New York?

The virtual program is a longer, more held, more integrated experience. Themes are the same, but the content and material will be different and exclusively curated for virtual sharing and connection. This is for not only women who loved the weekend, but for the women who couldn’t be there: anyone who couldn’t come to New York or those who want more. There was no one-on-one coaching available in the immersion weekend, the way there will be in the virtual program. Since it’s an expanded experience over the course of nearly two months,
there is the time to really allow this work to sink into your cells. You’ll also have the opportunity to repeat or download content as much as you like, within your own private membership page.


Last year I earned well into the 6 figures— not just from Urban Oneness, but from multiple streams of income. I spent a month in Peru, and took the summer nearly completely off. I went totally “off the grid” at least a dozen times (if not more throughout the year.) And if you know me or ask anyone around, they are more likely to tell you I talked them out of purchasing something than into it. It’s not only possible to lead from the feminine in business, at this point, it’s becoming necessary if we want to flourish + live to our true purpose. It’s possible to do heartcentered work without killing ourselves.

4. Will I meet people?

Life gives you what you put into it. We will have specific practices which foster communication and connection. You’ll be guided to the people that are precisely right for you to meet. The women I have worked with are some of the most generous, grounded, brilliant beings of light I have ever had the pleasure to meet. There will be a private Facebook group that will be as active as we make it. I’ve found that women love to be in supportive sisterhood.


This virtual program is structured for people who identify their core essence as feminine. We don’t care what gender or sexual preference any person holds but their deepest desire must be to lead in the world in this feminine. The easy way to gauge this is, who are you attracted to romantically? If that is a masculine man or woman, you are most likely wanting to live expressly in your feminine. No “dudes” allowed. As previously stated, this is not an immersion for voyeurs.


Any kind of deep spiritual work can bring up fear and emotional resistance. We trust that you value your Higher Self into guiding you into the decision that is right for you. However, I so stand by this work and its quality that I want to unabashedly guarantee it for you. If after the first two weeks of the program you don’t feel that you are gaining value or the content does not resonate with you, we will happily take you out of the program and refund your money. *Please note, completed worksheets for 1st two weeks must be submitted in order to obtain refund. This is a mutual commitment: you sign on to do the work. A key tenet of DIVINE FEMME is integrity + ownership. We take that to mean, on all sides 🙂

Bonus content from our experts:

Body ~ Business ~ Boys to Men ~ Mind ~ Soul ~ Spirit ~Sacred Sex

Jena La Flamme author of the highly acclaimed book “Pleasurable Weight Loss:
The Secrets to Feeling Great, Losing Weight & Loving Your Life Today.” Her work has been featured in Elle, Glamour and PrevenGon Magazines. And most inspiring of all, Jena receive’s daily messages from women thanking her for liberaGng them from shame and suffering and uniGng them with the irrepressible power of their female body and of pleasure.

Julie Santiago is a former Wall Streeter turned women’s empowerment coach, writer, speaker and teacher. Ultimately, all of Julie’s work is about helping women reconnect to their hearts so they can bust through their fears and live a purposeful life they love.

Elizabeth Dialto, creator Wild Soul movement: a movement-centered practice designed to help you achieve body connection, acceptance, trust, and complete confidence in yourself as the master of your personal evolution.

Jennifer Racioppi uses astrology, positive psychology & health coaching to help businesswomen chart their success, step into their feminine power & execute their potential.

Danielle Posa founder of Radical Wellbeing Movement, with partner Deepak Chopra. Danielle is an advocate for global change and development. She advises public and private sector leaders, and their organizations, on the value of maximizing the quality of life (wellbeing) of
the people they influence.

Adri Angotti, Creative Director and Founder of – and the “Sex & Quantum Physics” courses – where, through game-changing scientific information about Quantum Physics, Neuroscience and Metaphysics, you learn how being fulfilled in sex directly impacts all areas of your life.

Testimonials from the women involved in the
New York Immersion weekend:

Divine Femme was truly a transformational experience. I left feeling clear, energized, and something in my sacrum opened. I am actually walking differently. I feel more free. I am so grateful for Margaret for sharing her beautiful spirit, wisdom, and humor (I laughed a lot!). I love the rituals and exercises and it feels like I got a download of some seriously sacred wisdom. The immersion weekend was super energy rich and I know the gifts will continue to unfold throughout my life. Thank you so much, Margaret & Divine Femme!
-Sura Al-Shibib

Before Divine Femme, I was in the midst of transitions in my personal life, was struggling in my business, and knew I needed an energy shift. Business coaching and traditional therapy didn’t seem to do the trick, but I knew I needed support. When Margaret’s posts about Divine Femme popped up on my Facebook feed, I had an intuitive hit that I had to be there. From the moment I signed up for this immersion, some kind of divine energy was set in motion and I started to experience subtle shifts.

Having been immersed in the world personal growth and development for over a decade, I’ve been to my share of workshops and retreats and can say with certainty that Divine Femme was truly something special and unique and deeply transformative. I was brought to tears and burst out in laughter more times than I can count. I connected with other women and with myself on a deep level. The stories Margaret told and the digestible way she shared some of the “heavier” information was really accessible and impactful. The divine, embodied experiences she guided us through were deep and beautiful and effective. Margaret’s presence alone was inspiring and powerful.

Divine Femme brought me back to myself, to a deep inner knowing and connection to something greater than me. Because of that, I’m already seeing shifts in my relationships, business, and daily experience of life. Thank you, Margaret!
– Jess Grippo

To choose to serve from this place and deliver Divine Femme with the grace and beauty you did, takes courage, trust and the true heart of a woman – I am so deeply grateful for this.

Your teachings have touched every part of my being.
-Myriam Llano

The whole Divine Femme experience is SO captivating, enlightening, and transformative. Definitely empowering, experiential, deep, and real. Filled with truth, love, and spirituality, and way beyond what I could ever have imagined! I came out of it feeling renewed and reconnected to my most sacred source of creative energy. Margaret is pure gold, LOVED IT!!
-Marie Pavillard

I would recommend Divine Femme to any woman who wants to understand the importance of her role on this planet today. This work is not only empowering, it is essential to the uprise of our world as a whole. This course helps you take a step toward understanding the of the role women play in every aspect of life and will help us all realign with the nature of who we are meant to be.
~Tracy Nunez

Divine Femme is an amazing course specially made for women. You might not know what it means. You might say “ya, I know I am a girl”, You might say “ya, I am always a woman.” But, most of us are still in the dilemma of seeing our special power of “yin.” How to fully realize that underneath power that is unique only to woman? You must come to Divine Femme and experience it on your own. It’s worth the time. It’s worth your investment. Somehow, I wish you were here just like all of us who have already been.
-Jun Li

I am so grateful to Margaret Nichols for putting DIVINE FEMME together. The content was incredible and it was so much deeper, more soulful and intuitive than I could’ve imagined. This, I’ll never forget and it’s changed my perspective forever.
-Elisha Ariel

About Margaret:

Since 2006, Margaret has hosted spiritual events in New York and internationally, after training extensively with monks in India and Fiji and countless teachers worldwide. She translates Ancient teachings and spiritual technologies for our modern life.

She is the founder of Urban Oneness, a New York City based community with a global reach. Ranging from the longest running weekly Oneness Meditative deeksha blessing in NYC, to global retreats, Margaret Nichols and her team bring practical, heart-opening mindfulness and consciousness to individuals and businesses alike. Online digital programs, in-person workshops, global meditation journeys and exotic bespoke travel experiences: events are ongoing and ever changing, and focused on experiential learning to illuminate and empower a wonder in life.

Margaret is a sought after leader and speaker in this new paradigm of life and business. Weekly, she reaches thousands of people with ongoing teachings and happenings via newsletter. A 17-year New Yorker, she knows first hand it is possible to unveil Universal Love, even in the
craziest of towns.

margaret nichols standing on beach