I sincerely cannot thank you enough for your excitement, support + willingness to share this work. GRATITUDE, forevs.

I am SO proud of this program, and I sincerely believe in the work we can do together to change the world, for reals. Thank you for being on this ride with me.

Please if you need something additionally, reach out to me or at
LOVE. And (obvi) blessings.
x mags


Subject: Have you met Margaret Nichols?

Have I ever told you about my friend Margaret Nichols?
She’s all about teaching awakening to enlightenment in a way that is easy, freeing, and doable.


Margaret’s the Oneness maven of NYC and the raw, authentic creator behind Urban Oneness, offering spiritual solutions for your modern life. She’s been doing this for near a decade and she’s the real deal.

Whether you have a longing for something bigger in your life, or have a specific problem that needs attention, Margaret’s practices connect you to that Universal Source that begins and ends within you. Tap in, tune up. Repeat.
Her new course, bliss. here. now. is a game changer. It’s something that can be done in a weekend or over time to slowly up your vibe. One thing is for sure: you will be different coming out of this experience than going in.
Check out: {insert your link here}
SAMPLE TEXT for FB, insta or tweets:

“If we can put love + freedom together on two halves of the same coin, it’s kind of like… the magic formula that opens up everything else in life.”

You are enough! Love on negative self-talk and find your inner Force.
Simple teachings and realistic approach to reaching Love + Bliss. 

Do you want to open to the full embodiment of WHO YOU ARE?
Divine connection. Total passion in purpose, presence, life?
Get free chapter here:

Explode your heart, mind, money, career, life.
Awakening is happening: are you in?
Get free chapter here:

My amazing friend Margaret created a program that will blast open your heart + mind! Get a sneak preview of the 1st chapter NOW + her raw, love-filled video.

Sample text for open cart:

My friend Margaret has created something truly unique that I don’t want you to miss out on.

bliss. here. now. is a one-of-a-kind, totally robust digital experience.

I know we’re all on (or want to be on) the meditation train, and Margaret breaks down spiritual truths to make them super fun and super palatable. bliss. here. now. is an opportunity to give you a completely different way to look at living an inspired and clear life. It’s been called Tina Fey meets Eckhart Tolle. I don’t know about you, but to me, that sounds like a mix of all great things!

See what it’s all about right here. {enter your unique link if you have one}

It’s a guided self-study course to do on your own timeline, in one, bundled grouping of downloads. It will include a FULL 200 page, book with accompanying materials.

Plus, education is nothing without practice, so she’s included:

  • 8 MP3s: guided processes, meditations + talks
  • 5 instructional videos
  • 7 worksheets
  • 7 expert interviews by prolific, prestigious thought leaders

And there’s a whole lot more.


Find your bliss. here. now.  


CLICK HERE to Check our more badges and creative stuff HERE!


Tons of Facebook posts + tweets:
Sample Social Posts for bliss. here. now.


{Announcing} Bliss. here now. is open!! Enrollment is just $198 until April 15. Http://

{NEW} Bliss. here now. is now open for enrollment. Here is your chance to work with Margaret and other spirituality experts to help you connect to divine life force every day. Join us here:

Pssst. Did you hear? bliss. here now. is open for registration. Http://

Bliss. here now. is now open. Apply here –> Http://

I’m excited to announce that bliss. here now. is OPEN! Whether you’re looking to have total clarity, peace of mind or be authentically living your soul’s purpose on this planet, this is the course for you! Sign up now: Http://

{Early Bird Special} Sign up for Bliss. here now. by April 15 for only $198. Http://

Want to leave behind the naysayers and collaborate with an amazing community of supportive people? Bliss. here now. has your back. Register now for just $198.

{Last Chance} Register before tomorrow to get bliss. here now. for just $198 Http://

You won’t find any formulas or one-size-fits-all approaches to spirituality here. Bliss. here now. features a digital bundle of goodness to help you raise your levels of consciousness and find a spiritual practice that’s in line with *your* vision. Sign up now:

Not sure if Bliss. here now. is right for you? Read this to find out more: Http://

Register for Bliss. here now. get the support you need live on purpose. In a life that is rich and meaningful in your relationships, your livelihood, your being.

. Http://

Get off the hamster wheel and actually move toward organic efficiency + complete alignment in your life. Learn more: Http://

I created bliss. here now. to help people just like you! Hear what past participants are saying: Http://

More Love + More Peace + More Inspiration. It’s all included: Http://

You *could* wait until you’re “ready”. OR, you could decide there is no ready and go after what you REALLY want. Whatcha waiting for? Register for Bliss. here now.: Http://

Want to be one of the cool kids? Don’t miss out! Get your spot in bliss. here now.. Http://

Just 3 days left to join us for Bliss. here now.. Enroll now! Http://

Last chance! Ready to achieve nirvana and set yourself free? Registration for Bliss. here now. closes tomorrow at MIDNIGHT. Sign up now: Http://

Last chance to sign up for Bliss. here now.. Doors close at midnight tonight! Join us here: Http://


{NEW} bliss. here. now. is now open for enrollment. Join us here:

{NEW} Bliss. here. now. for more love + more inspiration.

This may be EXACTLY what you have been waiting for. Register now:

Bliss. here. now. is now open. Register now –> Http://

Pre-sale special! Get Bliss. here. now. for only $198.

{Last Chance} Register for Bliss. here. now. for just $198 »

Take a peek at what’s covered in Bliss. here. now.:

Not sure how to tap in to some Universal love? Get clear by signing up for Bliss. here. now.:

Are you struggling to find + align with your true purpose? Register for Bliss. here. now.:

They did it and YOU can too. Find out how Bliss. here. now. helped these students to “ignite their chakras”:

Bliss. here. now. will help you achieve More of Everything. Sign up now:

Organic Efficiency + Complete Alignment in Your Life = Bliss. here. now.. Get ready to rock your spirituality YOUR way: Http://

Total clarity, peace of mind + a constant tap into Universal Love. It’s all here –>

Feeling overwhelmed with life, love and the pursuit of happiness? I’ve got you covered.

Are you missing this one key to #PRODUCT BENEFIT? Register now for Bliss. here. now.:

Only 3 days left! Now is your chance to shine. Sign up for Bliss. here. now.: Http://

{One Day Left!} Here’s your last opportunity to sign up for Bliss. here. now. –> Http://

It’s the last day to sign up for Bliss. here. now.. Don’t miss your chance to join us! Http://



free your mind + lead from your heart

free your mind

Allow yourself to interweave

We're terrified of what stands on the other side quote