Happy Thanksgiving!
Play this meditation and talk here or click right to download.
Wishing you peace in your and your family’s heart. Om.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Play this meditation and talk here or click right to download.
Wishing you peace in your and your family’s heart. Om.
Now that I am back home safe in my apartment this afternoon with heat, light, unlimited internet and a phone that works, it seems unfair that my “Sandy” experience will draw to a close when I know so many others are still suffering.
Half a dozen of my closest male friends remained downtown. Urban cowboys riding a snapshot of what a post apocalyptic world could look like. They texted me stories of subsisting on pancakes or whisky, growing beards and going for days without showers. They would trek to charge their cellphones at (marginally generous) NYU and hunker back down into their forts of darkness. As a nod to the New York-y shortening of consolidating neighborhood names (Soho, Nolita, Noho,) they began to refer to themselves as SoPo residents. As in: South of Power. My neighbor told me, there was a pride in toughing it out. This was their home, their people, their connection. They could not abandon ship.
My sister and I have a little game we play when we want to decide which movie…
an ancient ritual for modern urban living. smudge it baby! [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbSqTxJhBl0]
If all we ever did was what is explained in the video below, we’d unveil enlightenment in this…
“We are too often lost in the abyss of unawareness. We regularly miss the energy and blessings around…
Stop waiting. What are you waiting for? Please stop waiting. Stop waiting to be somewhere else. It does…