For those of you who know me, or have seen some of my more stylin’ shots on social media, you might think I spend a fortune on clothes.
I traverse many social landscapes + am out more nights than in. Usually in Manhattan, arguably, one of the most fashionable spaces on the planet.
The truth is, I spend practically nothing. After my first stint being in India and seeing how little I could live on, and having my view shifted by so many other amazing international friends, it really gave me a new perspective on how wasteful and consumer-driven we are here in the States.
I remember the time my friend Adriana yelled at me (with love) when she saw me brushing my teeth with the water running… I had never even considered to be mindful of saving water in that way, and how important it was to do so. One time of her spontaneous, loving outrage, and I’ve changed ever since. Thinking back, I’ve probably saved hundreds of gallons of water in recent years doing that. Amazing how a small difference + intention can really build up over time.
For the last several years, I’ve given a donation to charity in lieu of gifts to my family and friends. But, it is still the holiday season, and giving and receiving love can still be a beautiful exchange with gifts.
In my life, my largest expense by far, is in personal growth. Reading, retreats, online programs- I’m voracious in ingesting all of it, because I believe the most important thing we can do for ourselves is expand our hearts and minds. And because for those who want the most out of life: growth never ends.
That is followed a close second by food, self care, and fitness. What I put into my body and how I treat it is of paramount importance.And at the end of the day, I love to honor my feminine nature with gorgeous things, so when I splurge on material goods, I make sure they are focused on aligned beauty of the highest quality.
This is how I love to love myself, because I believe it keeps me at my best to be my best for others around me.
I’m assuming you too want to celebrate the season, but your gorgeous, conscious self wants to do it mindfully.
Here are my personal picks for gifts that love + love back.
Some of these might seem femme centered, but guys, there is plenty widsom in here for you as well, so give it a quick scan 🙂 (Or take the hint on what that conscious gal in your life wants for her soul + spirit.)

This is the gift that keeps on giving. Erin’s one of my besties, a phenomenal coach, and not to mention, gorgeous inside + out:) I love to do this workout when I’m traveling or too lazy to leave my apartment.

Think music, movement and mantras to take your thoughts to another level while you blast through calories.
The program is brought to you digitally through a private Members Area where you are given 4 different Sessions. Each session includes a 45 minute full body workout, a guided meditation, and action sheets containing life coaching practices and tools to help you tap into your desires and create a plan of action for your dreams. The workout itself is a combination of cardio-dance, kickboxing, yoga and inspiring affirmations.
This is an amazing gift for those who might just be dipping into or brand new to spirituality (hint: siblings, dear friends, co-workers). Perfect for those after New Year’s resolutions of: I want to move more; I want to feel more life. It’s a tremendous value + thoughtful gift for yourself or someone you love.
If you use this link, we will send you my custom relaxation meditation as a bonus gift! So you can sweat up your soul + then relax into it. #heaven

Soapwalla: 100% natural, local to NYC, filled with LOVE, amazing for your BODY.
Rachel is a long time friend. We were roommates in India what feels like million years ago when she was a corporate attorney + Juilliard trained violinist, looking for a new outlet of health. Soapwalla was born: all hand-made in Brooklyn and completely natural.
“Our skin is our largest organ and in order for it to function at its best we must feed it with truly wholesome ingredients. My philosophy: If I refuse to put something in my body, I don’t want to put it on my body either.” -Rachel

How awesome is that?
I don’t use deodorant, but if you are looking for a natural alternative, hers has a cult following:
These are exquisite: the most gorgeous dream-catchers I have ever seen in my life, period. Hand-made in NYC with tremendous amounts of love, if nothing else, follow their instagram account, because it’s simply divine. And no, I don’t yet have one, although will for sure one day. (hint) 🙂
Flowers are always a welcome gift!
These are exquisite boutique florists.
Since I can’t do the world, here are the US coasts:NYC:
These are exquisite boutique florists.
Since I can’t do the world, here are the US coasts:NYC:
I can’t say enough about proprietress + recent mother, Kelly, whose business operates in such a high state of consciousness, as far as I know– this is the closest you can get to sending actual Grace. Local to NYC. She does big + events and weddings. #justsoyaknow
This is the closest thing I could find to Veezey when searching recently to send to the West Coast. Great insta account as well:
My favorite books of the year which make for fun gifts:
Raw. Vegan. Gangsta. Hilarious. “Thug Kitchen”

So fun to read, you don’t have to commit to this lifestyle; you can just “date” Thug Kitchen and you’ll feel better.
(disclaimer: might not be the best gift for mom! )
(disclaimer: might not be the best gift for mom! )
You’ve heard me say it 20 times:
Although the film version of her #1 NY Times Bestseller Wild was just released this weekend… I enjoyed reading Wild but I went BANANAS for Tiny, Beautiful Things. I think this should be mandatory reading for everyone on the planet.
Although the film version of her #1 NY Times Bestseller Wild was just released this weekend… I enjoyed reading Wild but I went BANANAS for Tiny, Beautiful Things. I think this should be mandatory reading for everyone on the planet.
If you missed the 21 days or didn’t get them all in, we put them online in a nice little dropbox download. Over 6 hours of content for a super cheap $21. I’ve heard such amazing feedback from how people love to listen to them over and again. If you listened, you know they are really palatable as we go into some deep sugar. Also could be an easy way in for those you love.
And in case you didn’t know it, on our shop page, there is also a relaxation download :
and a custom produced Chakra Dhyana meditation + booklet:
Approved by Oneness University + commission with global musicians and artists, for $9, it’s great to have on your phone for meditations on the go. (No excuse :)…)
Happy cultivating love + goodness for yours this season!