181C0582 (1)My sister and I have a little game we play when we want to decide which movie we’re going to.

Or where we want to go for lunch, or vaca or yoga.

We flip a coin.

But that’s not the game.

The game is, how do we feel when we get the RESULT of the coin toss?

It’s not the toss that decides, it’s our reaction to the toss that decides. (Aha…..)

“Tails? Bummer.”

BOOM. We know we wanted heads.

We ALWAYS know.

That’s why everyone’s always touting: look inside, the answers are within, the answers you seek are seeking you. 


Yet we look for outside influences for our “coin toss” decisions. We don’t follow our instinct.

One of the biggest questions I always get is,

how do I know if it’s intuition or ego?

(Aha… a shortcut for that in a moment.)

Our instinct is further thwarted when we look to others for advice. And hey, we all do it. It’s part of being a relational human. 

But usually when we’re looking to outside sources, all we are really looking for is confirmation of what we already know.

…unless we’re really in a super conundrum and can’t get out of our head. Usually things that are most important to us are the things we can’t “let go” around.

Sometimes only an outside perspective can give us a shift of seeing. (Usually from a great teacher, mentor or coach, who will call us out on our/society’s patterns when we are being small; inspire us to be greater.)

But that great teacher might not be available on our iPhone “favorites” list, so we try our bestie, our mom, our therapist, an enthusiastic facebook group. More woo than that? Add astrologer, psychic, akashic records reader, the Spirit card deck sitting on our shelf…

There’s nothing wrong with looking for help or support. We SHOULD seek this out. But ultimately a great teacher will lead us back to ourself.

We ALWAYS have the answer inside of us. Our soul knows. 

The point of spiritual work is to move from our heads to our heart. Leading from heart is being in intuition “Jedi” zone. 

The more we practice, the more we develop our knowing “muscle.”

*Nerd alert*: I have long legs and a short torso. In junior high my gym teacher asked me to join the track team. I, perplexed, responded that it conflicted with both band AND choir and that wouldn’t be possible!

I have a natural proclivity to being a runner— but I never run. Someone who practices, trains, gets coaching, is going to be better than me. Obvi.

Same same with intuition.

And women especially are MEANT to lead from this intuition. WE have the natural proclivity. It’s our feminine superpower… but we’ve been limited by our minds. I’m going into it at length in the DIVINE FEMME immersion next weekend so women can train this muscle of relaxing into knowing.

Only spiritual and energetic work unlocks and frees this unconscious conditioning that keeps us from intuition.

As the brilliant Women Who Run With the Wolves states:

“Traditional psychology is often spare or entirely silent about deeper issues important to women: the archetypal, the intuitive, the sexual and the cyclical, the ages of women, a woman’s way, a woman’s knowing, her creative fire.”

If we’re in overwhelm, we’re not in instinct.

If we’re in indecision, we’re not in instinct.

If we’re blaming, we’re not in instinct.

And most of us make the mistake of not knowing what happens when FEAR enters the equation… fear f***s everything up. 

So here’s a quick way to start to hone in on your instinct.

When we feel the fear or resistance, we look inside, and listen to our body. It MOVES us and offers messages with our emotion.

If you feel “ick” in your gut or heart— it’s a NO. Your body is telling you: YUCK. I don’t wanna.

If you feel “fear” in your gut or heart— this usually feels like a quickening. Often accompanied by thoughts of “but I can’t” “how will it happen” “I don’t know what the outcome is going to be” it’s a YES.

Someone is aggressive over a business proposition, asking you out

Big leap? Yes.

First date? Yes.

Motivating to get out of the house to go to yoga when you’ve been wallowing over a break up and have been wearing sweatpants the entire weekend straight? Yes.

Ick is different than fear. We just have to learn how to navigate it.

Until then? I highly suggest the coin toss game. Cheapest + quickest intuition around.

all love,
Margaret signature




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Would you like to be be at the DIVINE FEMME immersion weekend? Try the coin toss. Or check your heart. Ick is an easy no. Fear tells you it can’t happen for some reason. How do you want to lead?


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