This past steamy Saturday night, drenching myself in ice cubes in my West Village apartment…

(we do not have a/c right now, and if you don’t know it— pregs women have higher body temp than normal… AND we have been in a heat wave in NYC…)

I sweatily and lustily wished: I need to be meet more soul sisters who are due at the same time I am.

You see, I’m not yet going to prenatal yoga. Since I have a solid 15 year practice, I’m just modifying my regular routine. There aren’t really other places for preggo women to gather until you start childbirth classes.

So, basically it’s me, in my apartment, being “the most researched person I’ve ever seen” (as dubbed by my dude,) while I voraciously ingest all things natural birth and newborn.

And research and study and private facebook groups and iPhone FaceTime are great, but there is nothing as powerful as in person communion.

I need to be meet more soul sisters who are due at the same time I am.

The next morning, I felt inspired to move and biked over to my local 5Rhythms (a free-form dance) class.

Wouldn’t you know it, out of a room of 75 sweaty bodies, there was one other pregnant woman. And this was not just any pregnant woman. This was a woman, like I, whirling, grinding, squatting, sweating, primal-level letting go, all over the place, moving her body instinctually to the beats, belly bursting, baby in tow.

Soul sister.

After the class, we magnetized to each other, moths to each other’s flame:

When are you due?!
I have no other friends due at the same time!
Let’s get together!!

Barefoot on a Sunday morning, hips gyrating wildly, 6 months pregs in a downtown loft? We knew, instantly we were of the same tribe. Also, we are due, just 3 days apart.

I was THRILLED. I couldn’t have had a more succinct, soulful manifestation, from a simple, heartfelt wish, just the night prior. *I* couldn’t have planned it.

Another instant manifestation? When one night a couple weeks ago, looking at the disaster that was our bathroom linen closet, I said to the dude: “so… what do you think we need to get all the clothes in here organized?”

He said, “I need a dresser.”

I, meanwhile, had had varied options for a mirrored dresser on my pinterest board for a solid 18 months.

The next morning my friend Biet, posted on Facebook that she is giving away this dresser, if you can come and get it today from Brooklyn.


INSTANT manifestation.

It’s said that a woman’s consciousness is massively expanded while pregnant. Meditation is crazier, intuition amplified and manifestation, instant.

It’s also good juju for anyone to be around a pregnant woman in this energy (the theory is that it rubs off) and that karma is elevated when helping a pregnant woman out. (All good calls for giving up your subway seat, btw.)

But why I tell you this, is that we ALL have these instances of expanded energy + instant manifestation. Usually they just ebb and flow more than we like. And the people I know who are expert in manifesting what they want quickly, is that they are paying attention and giving appreciation for the miracles of seemingly small things.

A new friend.
A mirrored dresser.

Might not seem much to you. To me? They are examples of the limitless abundance of a generous Universe that ever-so-specifically knows my exact taste, desire and style and is just bursting to provide it for me.

Those two manifestations thrilled me. They still thrill me, days, weeks, later.

Honor the small thrills with big excitement and start to see how much faster Life’s Force and Source wants to provide it for you.

Also, isn’t it so much more fun to be around someone who’s delighted in the smallest things? The Universe operates in the same way: when you’re psyched about the wee bits, the big bonanza comes more easily. It likes to reward enthusiasm and delight.

There’s enough madness in the world to be upset about these days, and we MUST be upset about it. But let’s not let go of our enthusiasm and delight. That is what fuels our evolution. Not to mention, our love and zest for this crazy thing called life.

Margaret signature




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