the mistic mastermind

the mystic mastermind

5 week program for 10 hand-picked, conscious, committed New York City women. An intimate deep dive.


I want you to feel unconditional, hot, cosmic love coursing through your veins.

In. Every. Moment.

I want you to feel entirely and wholly protected in a sacred bubble of your own experience of the Universe.
I want you to live fearlessly. 
I want you to shine within an astonishing Divine life so bright, that you’re *bling* in motion.
 I want to awaken your mind to such a crystalline clarity that every thought and action is simply pure expression and inspiration of Life Force.

People will magnetize to your radiance.
 Brilliance will stream effortlessly.
No cream, spin class or juice cleanse could come close to the sparkly beauty this will provide…

Last fall a weekend retreat we had in Vermont was profoundly intimate, consciousness- altering marvelousness and its effects continues to stream in its wake:

“One of the most profound moments of my life to date.”

“You created an extraordinary space… Your generosity & grace created an field resonance which is now “hard-wired” into my perception.”

“Now there’s sparkles everywhere I go!”

Everyone was vibing so high, I thought: how can I extend to create this space in the city? What can I do that is different, exclusive, private, truly deeply SOULFUL.

So I opened the most intimate part of myself to you: my home, my heart. I cannot think of anything more sacred, sensual or soulful than spending evenings with the perfect group of women in my new apartment in the West Village. I could easily rent a space, or use one for no cost: this is about entering a private cocoon: for reals, my home is my temple; juju is streaming here all day and night.

Five Wednesdays, very soon.

There is no turning back. These sorts of bonds cannot be undone; we will be inextricably linked.

It’s called the mystic mastermind, because it is all about joining together to tap into the Master Mind.

This is not group coaching.
This is not spiritual self-help.

This is cosmic magic of the deepest depths.
There will be ritual, cleansing, healing, intention.

Do you want more love, money, grace, energy, focus, power? That’s all lovely, and all of that will come, but I will let you know right now, your intention, although important and valid and something we will absolutely focus on, will in the end become irrelevant because you are going to feel so feeling good, all else will fade.

Don’t take my word for it, check out some love notes from our last group below. If you’re ready to skyrocket your life in a sacred space of phenomenal women, this just might be for you.

“I’m still on my happy high. Thank you Margaret Nichols for opening your doors to me and opening the “sacred portal” to my life. You’re a true gift and have truly taught me that life is quite more than “these four walls.” You’re an angel, and thank you to all my mystic masterminders! You’re all my angels!

“Thanks you Margaret Nichols for holding the space for the 10 of us…It brought me joy and delight beyond words!”

“Waves of love and gratitude!”

“I dont know what I would be doing now without the love and support you have offered. It has all been helping my transformation in such an integrated way. I really can’t thank you enough.”

“I just want to say now that this experience is changing my life and my awareness quite profoundly. I have an “oh sh**” moment like several times a day where I realize something doesn’t bother me anymore or I see an ego game, or I recognize with clarity the simple truth of a situation and not my mind’s ability to produce infinite dramas.”

“You guys are all amazing!!!! What a blessing to find a supportive sisterhood like this…and crack it open in less than 2 weeks…… can you just imagine the love power we have yet to unleash?

“Thanks Mags for being such a magnetizing beckon of devoted hunger, love, divinity & light. I’ve said it before, there are maybe 2 ppl i’d follow anywhere, on any quest–you are number 1 on that list.”

Each week will be spent on a different topic and how our consciousness relates to it. We’ll cover these and more:

Your Mind: awakening to enlightenment: an end to suffering; embracing the ick to transform to bliss.
Your world: Career. Money. Purpose. Clarity.
Your Body:
issues, weight, addictions, health, physical self-love + sacred sex.
Divine connection in daily life. Mystical Oneness made practical + why life is hotter, richer, more flow-y that way.

This will not just be discussion, but group meditation, process + prayer to cement experiential evidence in your cells, of your own Highest Truth.

Most powerfully, the five weeks are centered around very focused specific intentions for each other, of your own choosing. This collective effort is a superpower, paving superhighways to your greatest desires.

I believe in this work so deeply because I have been to the darkest corners of my own and others’ psyches. I know what it’s like to be on one side of something that went horribly wrong and finding ownership, peace and exquisite self-love after the healing of it. Perhaps even more importantly, I have learned to cultivate the grace to be able to take on the ugliest of situations (and believe me, there have been some doozies) and not run, but stand and be and hold and open, even when it gets raw, ugly, dirty. This is the way to embrace Life.

I am not a half-measure kind of person. I intend for this to be profound transformation for all of us.

I’ll do what I do best, which is to take highest level spiritual concepts and make them easily understandable, digestible and most important, practical. This is a portal to the Divine Life that exists in the seemingly mundane. These are spiritual stuffs for the high-heeled set.

My teachers say that one awakened person affects the consciousness of 100,000 people.This is how we change the world: we begin with ourselves, in our hearts, in our homes. Lest you think this is self-indulgent, my darling, let me tell you– this is about as epic and selfless as it gets. We are all one. There is no separation and your light shifts the consciousness of humanity.

I want to cultivate the ideal group of women. It’s important to have discernment when opening your home. That being said, I want this available to those who need it, so I want to keep it extremely affordable.

It is our tribe, joining together.

5 intimate, private group sessions in my home.

$400, for 5 weeks. 
 If you need to miss a week, a recording can be sent to you.

Previous attendees, email me to register:

New women, CLICK HERE to apply.

Please note, only email from me directly will confirm registration for the course. There has been so much interest at other registrations, and there is limited space. I promise to let you know immediately!
The Dalai Lama said: ”The World Will Be Saved By the Western Woman”

This is how. Are you ready? Come with me; I promise it will be fabulous.

So much love for you.