
Screen Shot 2015-05-07 at 11.38.53 AM

A curated, elevated traveling experience of 5 weeks as we go into
5 different rituals and processes. {for women only, sorry gents}

Expanding on the wildly devoted Mystic Mastermind, the series is a way for urbanite women to form lasting friendships + supportive tribe. Upping career + life mojo in fierce, loving feminine vibes.

For realsies. 

As Jim Rohn famously offered: “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Come expand your consciousness by shining up with like-hearted women.

As per usual, fast-talking, practical, bad ass spirituality is on the menu.

Each week will be devoted to exploring, experiencing, clearing + celebrating each of the 5 energetic bodies: the koshas.

Our Oneness to the Universe is connected through our energetic bodies. Beyond the physical body, we have 5 energetic sheaths:

Physical – Annamaya kosha
Energy – Pranamaya kosha
Mental – Manamaya kosha
Wisdom – Vijnanamaya kosha
Bliss – Anandamaya kosha
Self – Atman

Each class will be held in a different site or location, to fully capitalize on summer and be able to enjoy the outdoors + travel in the city. (Because we don’t live in LA, people… we need to wring this season for all it’s worth.) Varying spiritual technologies will be used for the East meets West approach of awakening, city-fied.


Not every evening will be outdoors, but the locations will be mobile. Should there be inclement weather, we’ll move the process indoors, day of.

There will be one “travel day” on a weekend, which will be a longer experience on this day, date TBD by group consensus. And by “travel day”, I’m talking BEACH, ladies.

June 10-July 1st. Wednesday evenings. 7:15-9:45pm.
(plus one full weekend day, date TBD in that timeframe.)

Early registration by May 31st: $399
Course price $450

Can be paid in full, 2 or 4 payments: choices below.
limited number of students, BY INTERVIEW ONLY

If you have already participated in a MM, email Margaret. If you are brand new to MM, please CLICK HERE to apply. Further information may be requested.

CLICK BELOW on choice of installment plan + then push yellow button to register.

2 payments
Number of payments 1
Start payments At checkout
Due* Amount
At checkout $199.50 USD
Total $199.50 USD
4 payments
Number of payments 1
Start payments At checkout
Due* Amount
At checkout $99.75 USD
Total $99.75 USD
Full Payment
Number of payments 1
Start payments At checkout
Due* Amount
At checkout $399.00 USD
Total $399.00 USD
* We calculate payments from the date of checkout.
Sign up for

*please note, any deposit paid is a reservation subject to approval. It’s important to cultivate an energetic balance, so admission is only through application.*


the Mystic Manifesto:

I want you to feel unconditional, hot, cosmic love coursing through your veins.

In. Every. Moment.

I want you to feel entirely and wholly protected in a sacred bubble of your own experience of the Universe.
I want you to live fearlessly.
I want you to shine within an astonishing Divine life so bright, that you’re *bling* in motion.
I want to awaken your mind to such a crystalline clarity that every thought and action is simply pure expression and inspiration of Life Force.

People will magnetize to your radiance.
Brilliance will stream effortlessly.
No cream, spin class or juice cleanse could come close to the sparkly beauty this will provide…

If you’re ready to skyrocket your life in a sacred space of phenomenal women, this just might be for you.


“I’m still on my happy high. Thank you Margaret Nichols for opening your doors to me and opening the “sacred portal” to my life. You’re a true gift and have truly taught me that life is quite more than “these four walls.” You’re an angel, and thank you to all my mystic ! You’re all my angels!”

“Waves of love and gratitude!”

“I dont know what I would be doing now without the love and support you have offered. It has all been helping my transformation in such an integrated way. I really can’t thank you enough.”

“I just want to say now that this experience is changing my life and my awareness quite profoundly. I have an “oh sh**” moment like several times a day where I realize something doesn’t bother me anymore or I see an ego game, or I recognize with clarity the simple truth of a situation and not my mind’s ability to produce infinite dramas.”

“You guys are all amazing!!!! What a blessing to find a supportive sisterhood like this…and crack it open in less than 2 weeks…… can you just imagine the love power we have yet to unleash?

“Thanks Mags for being such a magnetizing beckon of devoted hunger, love, divinity & light. I’ve said it before, there are maybe 2 ppl I’d follow anywhere, on any quest–you are number 1 on that list.”
