In the American sh**show that is this year’s presidential race, people are opting out.

Sunday we had a big debate between our two political candidates, which was a complete circus. There’s countless memes, recaps of the ridiculousness of it, of which I am sure you are aware.

What was almost more disturbing to me than either of the—is when I saw people opting out- not engaging- and celebrating that as some kind of elevated choice.

This is the ultimate selfish choice. This is saying: my current peace of mind and ease of life, for this moment, is more important than the greater good.

And sometimes that needs to be the case: sometimes the crisis in our own life needs ALL our attention and we don’t have enough bandwidth to be there for others. I totally get and support that.

But to say you are above politics is not evolved, it is spiritual bypassing at its finest.

What was disturbing about this is when I saw some pretty big leaders championing this kind of apathy. Not voting. Not caring.

How do you one thing is how you do everything.
We cannot be awake in one part of our life and asleep in another.

We cannot close our eyes to what is happening around us and expect things to change.

In case someone is not aware:
Here is what is at stake in this election and every election:

-Your right to choose as a woman
-LGBT rights
-How much control the government has over your health
-Whether YOUR MONEY paid in taxes is spent on bombs or education
-Whether you want to help the world or just yourself

To say you don’t care about these things, or that you don’t like either candidate isn’t strong and informed. It’s lazy. Adults compromise. Negotiate. And choose the best option.

There are people who want to be sovereign from a nation. Who birth their babies off the grid and don’t register them, so they are not tied to a “system.”

Honestly, I get this too. If you firmly believe that, go for it—go ex pat yourself off the grid and let me come visit you in your coconut laden land!

But do not take all the luxuries (and they ARE luxuries compared to most of the rest of the world) we are provided and contribute toward as Americans and WASTE your choice. You DO realize there are countries in this world that DO NOT have access to, say, internet or clean drinking water?

You don’t care to vote? You want to be apathetic? Do your thing babe. We are all in different places. Sometimes, we just don’t have the capacity. I get this too, and I have compassion for that.

But don’t waste your passion and VOICE galvanizing people to be apathetic or *celebrate* your decision. It’s not cool or spiritual, and it’s certainly not thinking of a greater good.

Yeah, I get it. This got ugly. And messy. And stressful. And confusing. I want better choices too. I want something more closely aligned with who I am too. But you are a bright, beautiful being and you were given a voice for a reason. Do not take that for granted.

And for Goddess’ sake: do not use Her as an excuse for how elevated you desire to be as a cop out. Goddesses aren’t afraid of mess. Only the small self is.

Do the right thing. Vote.

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