Mercury in retrograde ended yesterday.

I don’t think I could have more distinct example of how we are sometimes suckers to Universal forces than the past 3 weeks.

I had a big real estate deal that was supposed to close. The day after mercury in retrograde begins, I’m in Maui- all ready to relax with my family for a week and it goes upside down, sideways, haywire, bananas, coco for cocoa puffs.

Think: ruined vacation, tens of thousands of dollars lost, trying to deal with half a dozen attorneys in different states when everyone is out the door for Labor Day weekend.
Massive stress, fixing other people’s mistakes from a decade ago, having to fiercely fight for something that was unjust and doing all of this 8 months pregnant. Not fun.

And like freaking MAGIC: yesterday, the FINAL DAY of Mercury in retrograde, I got the final word: We are ok to move forward. 

Oh, that thing about not signing contracts while Mercury is in retrograde? Ya. Going to consult that astrological calendar first from now on.

I always get a little squirmy when someone tries to white-wash life with: LOVE.
Just be love, just feel love, just choose the loving choice- if it’s not love, it’s fear, etc. I am pure love!

Yup, you ARE pure love. 

However, if we were ONLY pure love, and nothing else, we would not be here in this human body. We have these human bodies because we have chosen to be here, to learn to grow, to work some sugar out, and to share. Chosen to walk through some sh**. Otherwise we’d be wafts of love floating through the galaxy, all sans body and the like.

Because sometimes Love is being fierce. Sometimes love is a boundary. Sometimes love is not love or forgiveness for the other person but love and forgiveness for YOURSELF. Sometimes you have to burn, baby, burn and Kali it out with fiery savage love.

This awakening into higher levels of consciousness can be murky confusing business at times. And if we don’t INCLUDE life, family, business, transactions in our spiritual path, then it’s not a path; it’s a bubble. 

Inconvenient dealings are part of life. How we react to them are our unconscious conditionings. The yogis call these samskaras. A samskara is an imprint, any imprint that filters how you view the world: they are karmic impulse and intrinsic dispositions.

All spiritual work is to release the samskaras of this life and other lives and realign us with the “You are PURE LOVE” baseline; our inherent nature.

The secret is, life is governed by HOW we receive. And if we can’t receive the dark, we can’t receive the light. Pure love comes not from running from our tricky business, but grounding down and going through it, heart first, when there are sh** storms around you, everyone’s screaming, money is being wasted and decisions need to be made stat. If we can wade through THAT with light and grace, well babes, we’re all set.

I am looking forward to one last private event before I take maternity leave. This will be a small intimate group workshop in NYC, utilizing Lakshmi energies and specific intention setting. For those who want to release samskaras holding us back from what we want to most align with in life, this is one powerfully, pure way to do it.

Limited Space, Wednesday October 5th, all details here:

Wishing you the pure love you are,

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