Apparently my raw Facebook post the other day posed some confusion:

I’ve always been one to be completely honest. It wouldn’t be authentic to not share that I was feeling depleted still from birth and dealing with a host of other issues…

…but here is what I know to be true: consciously choosing to be in the LIGHT makes me feel better ALWAYS.

And although it is work and effort and energy to prep for the DIVINE FEMME immersion it is also extremely nourishing and fills me with precisely the kind of light that I need to heal.

My issue isn’t lack of light. It is lack of time. The time that I haven’t given to myself to fully heal.

(I have great reasons. A baby. A new business venture. Solo parenting the majority of the time.)

We all have great reasons to keep us away from our Light. 

We’re too busy. We don’t want to commit to the expense of having someone else hold our hand back to our own inner lights. Even if we do want to commit, that resistance comes up in that inner voice, trying to tell us we are small, that there is not enough time, money, support, faith, trust.

That ego-ic inner voice is bound to the old world. The patriarchy we’ve been influenced by, whether we chose it or not. The old paradigm of, there is not enough. Maybe for her, but not for me.

It’s a catch 22 because the work that we do is to diminish that egoic voice and to strengthen and empower your sense of Divine Self. But one has to be willing enough to take the leap into faith that that might be possible.

Otherwise, why are we here?

One month from today is the 2nd ever DIVINE FEMME immersion. Some of you are unclear what those two days might bring, so let me offer some sense of certainty:

The two days are a highly structured event. A narrative arc of a process where each energetic opening is purposefully designed to support the next.

I love conferences, events where there are multi presenters or weekend where there’s a smorgeboard of people and modalities to sample. So fun!

This? Is not that.

This is a complete immersion. This is a deep dive. This is meant to be completely life up-ending and transformative. You walk in the door one person and out another, higher, shinier, more raw, more gorgeous version of yourself.

Day One: 

  • History of the Divine Feminine: how did we get here
  • Meditations for Connection
  • Yoni (um, what’s my yoni? Find your power. Activate it.)
  • Ancestor Process: sacred ceremony healing lineage and energetic cords you are carrying from your family, and don’t even know it. Live music sound bath.
  • dance breaks (obvi)

Day One is ethereal, philosophical, mystical. Designed to expand and question your curiosity and conditioning to unravel and rebuild it.

Day Two is the practical, step-be-step, HERE IS HOW TO DO THIS:

  • Leading in work from your feminine. What does that mean… Enough. Time to rise up. Time to get to business. Slideshow, ladies. I’ve power pointed that sugar for you…
  • RELATIONSHIP: the dance of masculine and feminine. What that means. How to shift being the control freak we can tend to be. Dozens of real life examples so you can start to see and catch yourself and instead open to transform it.
  • Divine Femme Activation (this weekend in the newsletter, I’ll finally share the story of where this download came from, when I was in ceremony in Peru, so stay tuned…)

I get that this is an investment. I offer a refund for the weekend. If you show up, play fully, stay the two days and truly don’t believe it was life-changing. I will gladly refund you. I am not here to sell you something you don’t need. I believe in this process. I’ve seen it work marvels and magic and I know it holds the power to do that for you.

What I posted on Facebook this week had people all confused about the DF immersion— I mentioned I had a session with a talented channeler. It was an offhanded remark, meant to give him due, and yet I received more than a dozen messages asking for his information so people could book him.

We would rather pay $150 for a single hour to have someone tell us something about ourselves than to commit to 2 days.

I get that. I do and did it myself!

However, I can offer you more than that, but you need to meet me there. You need to invest a bit more time, a bit more money and a bit more faith.

I hope to see you. You can register here and there is a 2 part payment option.

I promise you. You are worth it.

It’s a joy, honor and privilege to share this work with you. I take that responsibility with the utmost reverence for us both. Thank you for supporting me in my own expansion and my new mama life.
In great love and service,

Before Divine Femme, I was in the midst of transitions in my personal life, was struggling in my business, and knew I needed an energy shift. Business coaching and traditional therapy didn’t seem to do the trick, but I knew I needed support. When Margaret’s posts about Divine Femme popped up on my Facebook feed, I had an intuitive hit that I had to be there. From the moment I signed up for this immersion, some kind of divine energy was set in motion and I started to experience subtle shifts.

Having been immersed in the world personal growth and development for over a decade, I’ve been to my share of workshops and retreats and can say with certainty that Divine Femme was truly something special and unique and deeply transformative. I was brought to tears and burst out in laughter more times than I can count. I connected with other women and with myself on a deep level. The stories Margaret told and the digestible way she shared some of the “heavier” information was really accessible and impactful. The divine, embodied experiences she guided us through were deep and beautiful and effective. Margaret’s presence alone was inspiring and powerful. 

Divine Femme brought me back to myself, to a deep inner knowing and connection to something greater than me. Because of that, I’m already seeing shifts in my relationships, business, and daily experience of life. Thank you, Margaret! – Jess Grippo

OCTOBER 21 + 22nd NYC
DIVINE FEMME immersion



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