
Presence 2015: Is it time to drop your resolutions?

“We are too often lost in the abyss of unawareness.   We regularly miss the energy and blessings around us, and the importance of this very moment. It’s as though we prefer to be elsewhere doing something else, as if we are living in distant time zones, hours behind or ahead of the joyous tick and […]

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the *must watch* video for all humanity

If all we ever did was what is explained in the video below, we’d unveil enlightenment in this lifetime. That’s a pretty big statement , isn’t it? You might have seen this Louis C.K. snippet passed around online in the last week or so.  After he goes into a bit about why his children don’t […]

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the one rockstar move that’s going to connect you to flow

When I was a little girl and in a sad mood, I’d sit in my little attic-windowed room in our little white house in Chicago and make up songs to sing out the window.  This is what they did in Grease, Grease 2 and my favorite television show, Rags to Riches, which was like the […]

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