
Saturday morning, I sat. Sleepy, sunny, with my usual yerba mate, to tend to email stuffs before heading out to a languid day of yoga and visiting holy people with friends.
(As you do.)
Thinking it was a good time to tend to digital housekeeping, I clicked the pop-up icon to download the new “Mavericks” system for my MacBook Air.

31 minutes to download.

Wait, wait, no noooooo. I didn’t think it would take that long– hey, this is my half hour of yerba mate/email/what’s happening on Facebook time so I can ignore you the rest of my languid Saturday!

But my computer, she was off and running.

So what do you do when the world (i.e. interwebs) takes itself away from you on a Saturday morning? You go in, natch’.

I turned to and pulled up the intentions of the ladies’ Mystic Mastermind group I’m leading this month. As part of our profoundly intimate deep dive into both muck and glory, we are each holding very very specific intentions for each other and have a commitment to collectively muse on them.

You can call this prayer. That word still bugs me a bit. So we’ve redefined it, made it our own and we’re calling it: the Vixen Vortex. Uber. Powerful.

So, snubbed by my laptop and her automatic update, I sit down into this Saturday silence of nothing to do… and the moment I turn to one of my gal’s and her intention, atornado of grace sweeps over me.  My chakras are spinning like Avicii is all up that piece.Avicii

The fastest way to get out of your own way is to think of, or do something, for someone else.

Here’s where the mystic comes in: when we place our attention on other people, for the beneficent realization of their desires or healing, it automatically takes us out of our small self and ego mind.  Instantaneously, this call and focus toward Grace aligns us with that Universal Source + All Divine.  It’s infinitely more powerful than praying for ourselves… and the marvelous catch 22 of the entire Thing is that, because we are alljust One Thing, this Selflessness is really the Ultimate selfishness­– because we are only ever intending for Our Self.

The higher in consciousness we raise, the more and more we spontaneously and naturally do this.  It’s not really useful to think of it as “good” or “bad.” Mother Theresa, Ghandi, Amma, are not better, they just had less small “self” or ego mind. The less of this we have, the more connected we are to the One Mind, or Source or World.

It’s the difference between rolling your eyes and stomping off in a harrumph when your boss, mom, lover, asks you to do something and just easily saying: “Yup, you got it!”

Before it spontaneously shows up, we gotta sprinkle it in.  So, next time you find yourself asking the Universe to help you through that pitch, that manifestation or intention, throw in a dose of a blessing for someone else in there. It super powers it.  It super powers you, baby.

Try it, promise you’ll feel better coming out than going in.

Namastes. x

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