I went to the same high school as Ferris Bueller. Literally.

John Hughes, the director of all those 80’s films also went to my high school and filmed scenes from that classic movie there. Interestingly, although all of his comedies were about teenage angst, when our school invited him back to receive a prestigious award as man of the year, he refused. Because he hated it there. That’s why all of his movies were about teenagers rebelling.

I too, felt like a fish out of water in the Chicago suburbs. It was only when I went to theatre camp as a teenager and met all of my first New York theatre friends who felt important and smart, wore black and talked philosophy and art that I felt I had truly found my tribe.

And for years, that was amazing, and then when all my spiritual work escalated and I began to change, I yearned for another phase of my tribe in people who would look at life in the same way I did— who were going through the same awakenings and wanting to lead from love.

Since spiritual work was not as of yet so mainstream, there were long, dark seasons of loneliness and longing for that new family.

This past week was an especially social one. I was asked to be a featured guest at an event taught by Deepak Chopra and my dear, brilliant friend Danielle Posa.

Two nights later, I taught a private new moon ceremony and ritual for my Mystic Mastermind ladies.

The next evening I was a host at the amazing Nitika Chopra’s Self Love celebration.

Now, years later, I find myself surrounded by incredible men and women who are bright and shiny and wanting to share that light with the world. I’ve found my soul tribe, and it continues to expand, effortlessly.

This took time. 

As you know, one of my faves is Tony Robbins and a key phrase of his is, “Proximity is power.”

You ARE who you surround yourself with. The community I built and cultivated in friendships, clients and students is in a place that nourishes and supports me.

They have my back. They’ve seen me at my most devastated and at my brightest. If I need help, blessings, love, I have it, in an instant.

This doesn’t happen when we’re just sitting in our apartments reading books. It would be impossible for me to do the work I am doing if I were going at it alone.

And it’s important to recognize that our soul tribe might not be the people we’ve been closest to for most our life… usually a bit of bravery is required to seek out this crew.

Since I didn’t have romantic love for many years, I instead had to cultivate my relationship with Divine Love. Although difficult at the time, in retrospect, I think the Universe did that purposefully so that I could anchor myself in that unshakable Divine Love. So that it truly became my source of grounding, surrender and power.

And then, in turn, that Divine Love attracted other people who also wanted to lead and live from that space. 

I didn’t have to seek or fight for this: I just followed the synchronicities: introductions. The internal call when an event looked amazing and I knew I had to go, even when I didn’t think I had the resources to get there. Staying in India when I was broke, had no idea how I would pay for it or handle affairs when I got back— I followed the intuition and all lined up to make it happen.

It was uncomfortable at times, sure. Intimacy can be scary. Taking risks and leaps challenges our inner status quo. Showing up at an event where you know no one, takes courage.

But courage cultivates love.

And romantic love is wonderful, but the love of a tribe of people who share in the same highest vision of what’s best for all our lives? I think that’s priceless.

These are the people who will hold our heart in their hands when the ups and downs of romantic love rollercoaster through our life. They are our container to reflect beauty and love back to us, which we all need at times.

One of my greatest joys is the power of the Mystic Mastermind ladies and the support and love they find with each other. I can’t want to continue to expand that with DIVINE FEMME and stretch a sea of supportive sisterhood, so that none of us, ever, feel we are without LOVE.

It’s why I love running events and connecting people—I want to create safe, sacred containers where we are welcome as we are: precisely what I didn’t have growing up in my John Hughes suburb. When we find our Divine Love and our  tribe, we are never alone.

This week, love on the people you’ve got, and maybe reach out for a new connections in your soul tribe. Love is everywhere, every week, not just this week. Always there, waiting for us.


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