bliss. here. now.

OMG (literally)
Out to the Universe: April 8th 2015

bliss. here. now. is a one-of-a-kind, totally robust digital experience.

A guided self-study course to do on your own timeline, in one, bundled grouping of downloads. It’s expressly cultivated to raise your levels of consciousness, upping your vibe and propelling forward your awakening. Freeing your mind. Blasting open your heart.

It will include a FULL 200 page, book with accompanying materials.

Education is nothing without practice, so we’ve included:

  • 8 MP3s: guided processes, meditations + talks
  • 5 instructional videos
  • 7 worksheets
  • 7 expert interviews by prolific, prestigious thought leaders

SIGN UP below for exclusive training, content, guided meditations not to found anywhere else.
You will also receive an IMMEDIATE download of the 1st chapter + sneak peak inside.


linda sivertsen

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