About a year ago, I sent out an email asking you to define the successful women you saw leading from the feminine. There was a rise I was experiencing. This for me, was the first spark of DIVINE FEMME.
Boy oh boy, some dudes didn’t like it.
I got back LOTS of emails from men, some curious, some angry.
Some flat out: who the hell do you think you are…?
I was chided for insinuating that there is an imbalance.
I was schooled that we are all moving into ONENESS and that highlighting any difference only furthered a cause of separation.
This happened again this past week on a Facebook thread when I announced the first Divine Femme immersion weekend.
Someone referenced 3 male teachers/sages and spoke of a collective rising, but wanted to impress upon me there is no “dominant energy.”
So here’s why I respectfully disagree.
I see women struggling to own this Divine Femme part of themselves. We’re conflicted because the only measure of success we have seen is in a masculine paradigm.
Our bodies are sexualized and judged far more than they are honored.
We bring a masculine way of being to our work lives, which leaks into our relationships simply because we were never taught we could live another way. Over and again, competition and pushing are lauded as the ladder for success.
50 years ago there were a handful of feminine saints and sages celebrated. Mostly virginal. If you search #divinefeminine on Instagram today, She’s hash-tagged over 65,000 times.
The Divine Feminine might not be trying to steal the show,
but it certainly feels like she’s desiring some spotlight.
In my own life, putting aside the instances materially or physically where I’ve felt dismissed, diminished, unsafe, unsupported, glossed over— which are countless… Spiritually, I’ve been told my expression has been inappropriate, too loud, too sexy, too dark, too silly, too devoted, not devoted enough, materialistic.
And that, my love, is nonsense.
How could it be any of those things, it if is MY Divine Experience?
To jump from inequity to Oneness is impossible. We cannot spiritually bypass and leap collectively from division to unification. (Which is why we haven’t done it.)
Many great sages and saints have done so, *individually* by devotion or accident, but collectively, we must do the work from where we are. One energy courses through all of us. Before we can elevate TO one, unifying energy in experience, there must be a balance of the masculine and feminine energies on this physical plane.
Women have been repressed for thousands of years. The SPiRITUAL feminine energy has also been suppressed and repressed.
On the material plane, it’s obvious that all our financial, entertainment, media and political systems have been male dominated. On the spiritual plane, there’s always been a balance— that is the yin and yang of Oneness— but on the material plane WE have not felt it because we have not had access to the wisdom of that spiritual plane. Until now.
This is not about bashing the masculine. Quite the contrary: I urge and will continue to teach that we championthis aspect of ourselves, in others and of Its Force in the Universe.
As you know, I have been a devoted student of my beloved Oneness lineage for a decade. And yet what I found in myself is after all that awakening work integrated, it only brought even clearer to front of heart and mind that my feminine needed to be nurtured and let loose.
The connection I had shifted from one of an inner Divine, magnified by an external source, to a fiery goddess coming through within me, with Her own wisdom, guidance and grace.
The Divine Femme movement is about acceptance and integration. It is about balance. It is about BEAUTY. And to create a balance, there needs to be a rising.
As men and women together, we can honor, support and cherish this integration by welcoming the feminine to rise once again.
We WANT our feminine to be blazing with gorgeous power.
We want our feminine to be brave and bold and expressive.
We want our feminine to RISE so that the collective can rise.
Are you with me?
I would love to rise with you in NYC on March 5th/6th. Join me for a powerful, weekend Divine Femme Immersion to reclaim your blazing feminine power. Live, in-person, me, you and our fiery goddesses. JOIN ME HERE before tickets are sold out.
One love,
