“Let go” is probably the most annoying and inaccurate thing a person can ever say to you.  I’m equally irked when a masseuse whispers “relax” as I’m lying prone on his/her table.

Lady, if I knew how to relax, I wouldn’t need a MASSAGE.

If we knew how to let go, we wouldn’t need a spiritual practice.

You cannot practice letting go.  The only thing that we can do is become aware that we are not letting go, then It happens of Its own volition.  And yes, I capitalized that on purpose, because that letting go is: Grace.   You can call it the intrinsic benevolent direction of the Universe, you can call it WhateverTheHeckYouWant, but it’s not you, sweetheart.  Sorry babes.

The moment you think it’s “you,” that’s just the mind or ego again, staking claim on how great “you” are.  How well you’ve done.  Congratulations, you are back in your mind, and officially back to holding on.

When we are in a great place, an inspiring quote is inspiring, and if not, it’s (again) annoying.  I’m sure you know what I mean, as we scroll through Facebook certain days being more or less irritated with others’ shared postings of colorful heartfelt boxed messages and ‘liked’ quotations.  Do you really think you have control of what state you are in?  Or can the same thing be inspiring one day, and irritating the next?

(Side note: unless we are talking about Mooji.  I don’t know what it is about that guy, and there are other beings/loves who are closer to this heart/body, but something about Mooji stirs a deep knowing of:  God, he is so f’ing cool and never says anything annoying, ever.)

“If the ‘I’ is identified with the body and person then it becomes the person’s responsibility to take care of the bodily life. But if the ‘I’ becomes identified as consciousness then it is the universe’s responsibility to take care of the body and the body’s life and it will do a better job then your mind can do.” ~ Mooji‏

See!  Man oh man, Mooji.

So, if you haven’t noticed, we are living in this super exciting time, and there are thousands of people around the world, dozens of people I know, who are clicking into this permanent state of Mukti.  Freedom from the mind.  Otherwise known as constant communion with the WhateverTheHeckYouWant, i.e. surfing with the Universe, existing in highly coveted place of always being able to let go.  Actually, never having a choice otherwise, since “you” are not there.

I mean, I don’t know if anyone on the planet is ever going to reach the level of  Mooji awesomeness, and there are many other amazing beings in super high states of consciousness delving into realms we can’t conceive, but it a very very basic way:  freedom from the mind is freedom from any kind of resistance.  And that freedom is here.  Free to be you and me.  Or perhaps more appropriately, free to let go of ‘you’ and ‘me.’

In one particularly long stretch of an ‘awakened’ state maybe a year ago, I got into a feisty argument with an investment banker in the unlikely locale of a friends’ Flatiron office happy hour.  I told him I didn’t experience stress at the time, and that it was possible to never experience stress again.  This stretched to email bickering.  I didn’t even know the guy!  Gee, he was mad.  We eventually agreed to disagree.

Even in that state, I couldn’t let go.  An enigma on top of a conundrum.  The mind: she’s ruthless, persnickety and persistent.

Last night I had a two hour heart-to-heart with a dearest.  Everything in high drama mode, with no relief in sight.

I had another dear write to me this morning: …I haven’t had so many things going on with me my entire life put together never mind all at once!!! UGH!!!

People are still just getting heat back from Sandy, New Yorkers recovering.   A city shaken, not stirred.

2011 kind of rocked, and this year’s been a hot mess.

I wrote to my peeps yesterday:
I, for one, am thrilled that 2012 is coming to a close.
Waking up has been hard work.
In that same breath, all has been coming up, to let it go, to clear, to get us so unbelievably excited to leave behind any old way of life so we are just ready (+ willing) to be taken over by the magnificence that is innately ours.

That’s what we’re talking about.  That’s why things are sh**.  To shake us.  To drown us, to bankrupt us into realizing:  the old way is over.  The new paradigm is here.

And we can struggle, and suffer, and try to do it the old way.

And the secret is: WE HAVE TO.  We have to try to force ourselves to let go, until the point we realize, we’ve been using the wrong kind of Force.  (repeat, intended capitalization.)

This is what the Real Love is.  She’s been tough on us this year.  But she’s gonna wear us down.  And when we’re ready, when we ask, when we realize we’re not doing it, she’s gonna swoop in and LOVE us so right.  She already is.


If you’d like to infuse with a dose of this Grace, join superstah Patricia Moreno + I this Saturday for a guaranteed shift into Love that will rock your kundalini.

register: www.satilife.com/store under   ‘events.’
$35, includes access to gym (read: yummy steam afterwards :) )

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