Before I give life over to (gluten-free) fruit cakes and bright lights on this holiday week. An important musing:

In the wake of the John of God debacle and integrating experiences that have uprooted my being in the last month…. had me musing on these things.


With the rise of the Divine Feminine, and evolution of the Divine Masculine, in an equilibrium returning to this planet: old-school power is out. Collective is in.


I was raised Catholic so I know a few things about spiritual patriarchy, and as the feminine rises, with her Light, she exposes anything hidden.


Come out, come out, wherever you are.


Time to examine our structures, even when painful. Especially when painful. And make new choices about what we allow and who we want to be. Time to investigate what we’ve always been told.


Five signs a person or institution is part of the spiritual patriarchy:


1. There is ONE spiritual way or source. A person or portal. An intermediary. The rise of the feminine and evolution of the masculine is an overthrow of this patriarchal hierarchy and power and a return to the collective. A return to our own sovereignty, without a need to bow to a structure or organization. Your own blazing heart. The Light as it shines through YOUR individual being, you gorgeous thing. You are your healer.


2. Process not disclosed. I went twice to see John of God at Omega in New York. The energy was high, as it always is when so many people gather. Unbeknownst to me, to be part of the event and receive a healing, there was a 40-day protocol afterwards. No sex, no alcohol, foods to avoid. Not a biggie on the regular, but a total bummer when those 40 days fell during my friend’s all-inclusive bachelorette weekend in Cancun.

From a bird’s eye view, did that 40 days come at a time when I needed that space or restriction?

Or can I spiritually compartmentalize my need for safety, in the name of other people telling me it’s not important in the face of a big, wide movement?

So perhaps I can reason it out spiritually, in support of that experience?

Sure. That does not change the need for disclosure.


As my friend Greg Prasker (who makes my fave CBD oil) puts it: We are entering the Age of Integrity. Taking care of people means full disclosure.
Choice coming from no choice (already at the event, time and money invested) is pure spiritual patriarchy.

3. Sex? (shhhhhhhh!!!!) To have a healthy, sacred, ecstatic and exciting sex life is a gift of this human experience. Spiritual Patriarchy is where sex is completely repressed (and then people act out out of repression… hello priests and every smart Catholic school girl, ever.)


Or abused. (John of God has 300+ allegations against him. 😬 Dude, those aren’t good odds. You might want to think about coming out ahead of this with a little self-responsibility.)


Or a culture where it’s just ignored. (Yes, we want you to have lots of babies, but let’s not talk about how! Let’s especially not give women a voice in owning their pleasure, because then the patriarchy can just proceed on what feels good to him.) Your pleasure is your birthright.


4. People are silenced. If you are ever anywhere where someone says “You may not repeat this.” “You may not share your experience of what happened here.” Run. Run far away.
(Ok we don’t have to run, we can shimmy… but swiftly move right on back to your own knowing.)

The Divine has nothing to hide. Your experience is your voice.


5. Punishment for imperfection. “This process won’t work unless you do it *exactly **this** way.*” My God, how many times in my life and how many examples do I have of beating myself up because the rigors of doing it the “right way” were debilitating to happiness? Countless.


This is also fear-based thinking. I followed my John of God protocol to the letter like the “good little girl” society raised me to be. For fear it wouldn’t work. If we’re not the good little people, we will be left behind. “Good” by the patriarchy’s definition of course.


I am completely over it being hard. 


I am completely over anything less than pure freedom, authentic expression, celebrated sensuality and individuality and radical inclusivity.


Throw off the shackles of scolding. 

The Divine Feminine allows for mess. Welcomes it. 

The Divine Masculine likes to get a little dirty. Allows for more life. 


All is perfect as it is, as are YOU. The Divine takes you are you are.


Just as the patriarchy is falling across all areas of life: government, personal relationships, work places, global markets.

The spiritual patriarchy is falling. 

Let’s nourish and listen and love on each other.
And dance on its ashes together.

Wishing you a holiday reflective of your firecracker spirit.



p.s. Oh, I wasn’t kidding.


Anyone in NYC who wants to consciously bring this year to a close…

And participate in a ceremony to detox 2018 from your cells and being…

To start 2019 fresh and ready for next level wonderful coming your way.

Join me on Saturday 12/29, 2-4pm

This is a private event and location will be disclosed to attendees 2 days prior.

Downtown Manhattan, for anyone who’s in town. All genders welcome.

register here:

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