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STOP the shaming. LOVE out loud.
Looming motherhood has upped my capacity for feistiness. I’ve been sending outraged emails to large businesses. And baby…
god | letting go | spiritual
>9 things you don’t want to hear: a 2010 blog wrap up with perhaps some squeezable wisdom
>click to read the fullest expansion of the theory: you shouldn’t schedule a date on a spiritual retreat…
*From the front lines in India* Awakening. Here. Now. An interview with a freshly awakened, modern day Buddha.
If we’re not Facebook friends, you might not know that I am currently in India for six weeks. And a month at a place they call a university, but for all intents and purposes is an ashram.
So, 8 people were awakened this week here. EIGHT. As in: buddha. as in: permanently free from suffering.
W H A T ? ?
Let us remind you WHO YOU ARE
There aren’t the words to begin to approach, dissect, process or understand the horrendous tragedy in Orlando this…
>the amazeballs muchacho of authenticity
>When I was in Chicago last month, I was to meet my sister’s boyfriend. I don’t need to…