
I am in the jungle in India.  My comma key has broken on my laptop. The chances of that getting fixed before I leave are: none.  So this will be a post devoid of commas.

So- I go for intensely long walks.  Preferably beachy ones.  Alone- where I can meander for hours and not see a soul.  I have been gifted this kind of solo experience time and again- even in busy locales.  Mexico. All over the Caribbean. California. Vermont.  Fiji.  India.  A thousand times by the Hudson river.  But my favorite is when I am far far away from home and no one knows where I am. There’s no sign of life for kilometers at a time and always the thought: if something happened- no one would know.  Totes morbid.

Yesterday I scootered out an hour to such a deserted beach- in off season- monsoon- if something happened- all that would be left behind is a copy of my passport at the police station- a local law- in place I suppose to prevent such mishaps. 

On these walks- always I push a little father—just around the next bend- I wonder what’s behind that cliff?  Just a few minutes more… It healthfully fills a need.  It mollifies an edge.  Adventure with just a whiff of danger; only the slightest chance that something unexpected could happen.  Not only does it dance with this danger- a restlessness inherent it seems-to my Sagittarian frame-  whenever I get to this place—two hours out from a soul- just me in my bikini- maybe sandals if it’s rocky and a sarong which I have by now fashioned into some sort of tribal turban headgear thing which also seems to satisfy some primal need—it is in this place of utter solitude + communion with nature that the Universe speaks to me.  Massively.  In insights- ideas- and mostly just enveloping me with a deep sense of peace that I had to walk 90 minutes and 4 cliff edge ‘around the bends’ to get to.

When I discover these inner and outer places- I’m always shocked I am the only person present.  No one else has bothered to push a little father- dared to see what was around the bend—poke to the point where you might get hurt.   And this—in any locale—be it an abandoned pier in Manhattan or a fisherman’s cove in Fiji- is always- always where the magic is.

This inherent curiosity is also a metaphor for my spiritual path.  I never really intended or wanted to be where I am today- writing- teaching- living these teachings… but I just had to keep going around the next bend.  Keep prodding- keep kicking over rocks- uncovering the magic.

And what I found- time and again- was that although I love to travel to exotic places and keep rounding jagged corners- we don’t have to.  We have it- we always have it- and it’s now time to unearth it.  Really really time.

Not only that- I am consistently so passionate about what I teach because if I can uncover these places within.  ANYONE can.  I have lived these 3+ decades on this earth- I mean really lived.  It would be difficult to shock me.  I’ve learned judgment is futile because it hinders true experience.  And at the same time- I’m totally judgy.  What I’m saying is- this experience is for everyone.  I don’t care where you’ve been- where you are- or where you’re going.  You are on board.

The culmination of what I have been writing + preaching + blessing for the last coupla years is finally happening.  It’s so overwhelming- it’s almost difficult to believe that it’s actually here. 

Plenty of people thought it wouldn’t happen.  Many of those were men I dated:  “Um- I read your blog.  I mean… Chakras?” (said in a really douche-y way.)

or “Well- so what if December 2012 rolls around and none of this happens?”  (I didn’t have an answer for that—the thought of it not happening (it meaning: humanity’s evolution into a golden age) was not a possibility… it couldn’t not be—I banked everything on this.) 

I have not myself yet made that shift- but people close to me have.  And I’ve had taste enough to know: It’s staggering.  It’s phenomenal.  And so many people have no idea what I am talking about.  Awakening?  Enlightenment?  What does that mean? I don’t have time for that—hand me a pill.  People closest to me don’t know what I am talking about. 

And I want to run to each of them and say: “It’s here!  It’s right here! Please.  Listen. Trust.”

But we don’t want to.  Why?  Because we don’t like what right now looks like- and so we want to change it.  

Loves- spirituality is not just about manifesting what you want and being really super f*ing positive all the time.  There is more.  There is so so so so so much more. 

There is undying wonderment.

That mind you keep trying to push away?  Suffocating it with always needing to feel good?  It stops having a hold on you.

Never.  Worry.  Again.  (shoulda started with that one.)

Stress: soyanara.

Food. Sex. Picking your nose: magnificent at every moment.

I’m going to stop chatting about it happening + start getting into on HOW to make it happen as soon as I set foot back in the States- but right now I am still reeling from: Holy Sh**.  It’s here.  And I’m not going to stop cheerleading until every one is here.  Because it’s just too damn good. 






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