One of the ladies on my— um, birth squad? said something that blasted by awareness open.

She was working on my body last week and offered “Call in your angels into the room… Now call in your baby’s angels into the room.”

Holy sh** that’s right. Even the mini person I am carrying right now has his own bastion of beneficent blessing beings hanging about, just waiting to serve him.

We are born completely connected to this Spirit. They say around 2 years old is when we fall into separation, into conditioning, into right and wrong: partially because we need to, to learn the ways of the world.

And we see this in babies to toddlers: free, open. Experiencing pain, and letting it pass through them. Your 18 month old does not bring up the trauma of running into the wall 2 days ago and blame you or herself for it. There might be drama in the moment, but there is no “story” attached to it. They just flow.

What if we could always remain this connected and accepting of life?

A main tenet, if not THE main tenet, of all the Oneness work is that we each have a personal internal Divine Force that guides our life. Some people call this our Higher Self, or soul (different things, but not going to get into that now…) or Love or intuition or a zillion other things.

A zillion other things that could potentially prove useless if we don’t know how to access them.

The BEST explanation I’ve ever heard of spiritual work is from dear teacher Stuart Mooney: “You can’t feel GOD until you feel everything else first.”

This is a clear call to clean up our own sh**, our own misperceptions— it is the ownership of our missteps, the ownership of our pain, our darkness that allows light to blast forth. It is feeling the feels. It is the surrender to anything and everything in our path.

Why would it be on our path if it was not ours to see?

The places where we are trying to control life keep us from our Divine Spirit. And control can look like a lot of ugly things, but it basically means: doing the way we want to do something, period.

And the difference between control and:
allowing things to flow
or standing up for ourselves
or self care
or firm but loving boundaries
is subtle yet profound.

The difference in all those important things stemming from a place of empowerment rather than ego or control, is simply a measure of consciousness.

We can feel it when someone is trying to control us or a situation; it feels like: ick. We recoil.

And when we practice the vulnerable place of constant surrender and generosity, or see someone else doing it it feels like mmmm mmmmm mmmmm yummy yummy yummy yummy. Open.

Those are not the technical terms, obvi. There ARE no technical terms. This living is a place of feeling, of being, of trusting.

And what’s incredible is that there is not just that one main Divine inside of us, but that divine connects us to ALL our divine helpers, spirits, angels. The power of that connection is what determines how open we are to the others.

Now, I’m not an “angel” person, per se. That’s not how I’ve seen or experienced Spirit in this life, but this process of getting out of my head and into my heart allows me to recognize everyone as my angel, my blessing, my path.

It’s all a blessing. Sometimes we just don’t like the package, the timeline, the choices. Hm… wanting something to be different than what it is— sounds a bit like wanting to control the situation, doesn’t it babe?

What if they were all our angels?

What if all of it was a blessing?

What if we could see, understand this IN THE MOMENT, accepting it as it is, rather than 10 years down the line in retrospect?

Welcome in your angels, no matter what they look like.

It’s all a blessing.

Margaret signature





My teacher Sri Bhagavan says that teachings are ultimately rubbish. That they can be a useful tool for preparation, however:

“Mukthi is to be completely free of the mind itself. That, no teaching, no technique can give you. It is because it is not a psychological process; it is not a philosophical process; it is not a meditative process. It is a neurobiological phenomenon.”

Come join us Saturday June 25th in NYC for a full day of processes to free your mind:


Live life as a blessing.

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