“We are too often lost in the abyss of unawareness. 

We regularly miss the energy and blessings around us, and the importance of this very moment. It’s as though we prefer to be elsewhere doing something else, as if we are living in distant time zones, hours behind or ahead of the joyous tick and bliss of Now
We have forgotten that the natural foe to life is not a distant death, but a present, in-the-moment detachment from living. Should we wish to be free and alive with full power, we must decide to bring the full might of our conscious mind to the present experience. 
We must choose to feel again. 
We must set intentions for who we are, for what roles we wish to serve, for how we’ll relate with the world. 
Without a vibrant awareness, we cannot connect with others or ourselves, nor can we meet the demands of the hour with grace. 
For this, we now declare:

-Brendan Buchard

What?… Already a week in to 2015!
So, I don’t do resolutions. I’ve been enjoying + livin’ it up in a lifestyle cultivating optimal health for, well, decades. I’m always exploring in life, love, business…
And the fascinating thing is: it hasn’t been ambition or goals or any sort of reaching toward being anything other than where I am, but it has been PRESENCE which has brought me into any sense of power.
And it is no longer my power. It is OUR power. Universal Power.
The interesting Catch 22 about awakening is you become more your self: more individualistic, unique, in your body, at one with and in the world, than ever.

And yet you are less your “small” self than ever… so subsequently, you care more about others… 
I had a new round of our beloved Mystic Mastermind start last night. It exploded my heart to see women I’ve known for a relatively short period of time, speak about how much more they can FEEL life.

How open (and yes, vulnerable, and yes, therefore, PRESENT) they are. How in their bodies and of this world they are, and yet not of it.
As I like to mix it up, we called in Durga.
Here’s a picture of her:

Ya, the one sitting on the lion, with all the swords + stuff.

I told a dearest guy to me we were calling Durga in, and he told me, half jokingly, half a little afraid: “Thanks for the warning.” 
Because he has seen how powerfully things come up when we tap into our Presence + Power.
It’s always there.
But sometimes you need to tap into a bad ass hindu Goddess for a fiery road map to burn away all the illusion that we are ever NOT this power or presence. 
So, here’s what I’d like to commit to you + 2015:

Full Presence.

What would happen if we all committed that to each other?
Do you have any idea how rapidly the world would change if we turned off all the background noise and actually sat with each other and saw what came up?
Committing Full Presence does not mean over-extending oneself. Or opening yourself to anyone who asks or wants a piece…
Presence is not being always available, or a doormat, or endlessly open arm’d.
In fact, it’s the opposite: full presence means,
“I will only turn to you when I have all of myself to give. When I am fully present within myself, and therefore, for you.”
Can we see that without that presence, basically, everything we are doing is half-assed?
Our power lies in our presence.
Maybe it’s time to drop the resolutions or goals that don’t totally jazz you up. Because excitement will innately offer you presence. And self-imposed obligations (where no seed of excitement exists) are a breeding ground for resistance. Resistance creates suffering within ourselves, which splinters us up.
If you can see + feel the resistance + choose to allow it to be there, in Presence, and that fuels your resolution or goal? Well, that sugar’s magic, babe, so keep doing that.
If your resolution brings it up so you can shine awareness on it? And it expands you into a realization around it, rather than a procrastination? #Gold
But if you are already seeing inner conflict around it because you don’t want to do it, or confront it, or are not ready or committed: drop it like it’s hot.
Guilt, layered on top of procrastination, smothered in with resistance, is a suffering sandwich really far away from Presence.
The word “Durga” translates in one way to: beyond reach.
Not in the way that we think it, but as in: belonging to no man. She is One in her Self. 
It is only when we are whole, One, in ourselves, that we have anything to offer the rest of the world.
Presence is the key. 


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