complete TRUST: in labor, in life
Tomorrow, Election day in the US, is my due date. It’s a running topical joke between friends that…
Tomorrow, Election day in the US, is my due date. It’s a running topical joke between friends that…
(This isn’t a post about babies, it’s about fear. And how we are paralyzed by it. And how…
My doula asked me the other day, “What else do you need me to know to create the environment you…
Do you have any idea how liberating it is to see a whole lotta cellulite on your rear,…
One of the ladies on my— um, birth squad? said something that blasted by awareness open. She was…
There aren’t the words to begin to approach, dissect, process or understand the horrendous tragedy in Orlando this…
I remember the first time my soul sista Adriana told me about natural birth and the possibility of…
I went to the same high school as Ferris Bueller. Literally. John Hughes, the director of all those…
About a year ago, I sent out an email asking you to define the successful women you saw…
NYC New Year’s Eve is notorious crazytown when it comes to festivities. Lots of non-natives, restaurants overflowing and even…