
The sh**’s hitting the fan: Burn, baby. (pretty please?) Burn.

There was a moment a week ago, I seriously considered hopping into the Hudson River.  I was over it.  Finished.  Done.  Willing to give up. It was a rough month.  A month where everything I had faith in and held dear was swept away, and my frustrated, angry sack o’ cells was left spent, annihilated, […]

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what the sutras say about showbiz

Driving highway 24 to head into Berkeley, my friend called that our lunch at Café Gratitude would need to be delayed.  I’ve spent a load of time in the Bay Area, but very little to none in unfamiliar Berkeley, and the first thought that popped into my head was: Ok world, what adventure do you […]

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life changing paradigms ensconced in inappropriate language

“Holy f***balls.” That was the text I sent to my bestie upon exiting. I know that’s vulgar and one could definitely argue absolutely not sacred, but that is the best I could come up with after having nirvana show up in my face.  I’m not proud of the unladylike reaction, but that was my authentic […]

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Do you like it dirty?

Dirty, tough, uncomfortable turns out to be more intimate than clean, easy and comfy… but you have to be willing to get dirty. When I wrote that, I was referring to things of, let’s say, an intimate nature.  (oh sweet Elvis, I hope my mother doesn’t read this blog post.)  A reader asked me to […]

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The Top 24 Things I Realized in 2011

Although, one could easily argue this is a lifetime of knowledge, here it’s tid-bit-ed down to a year of wisdom:: 1. If something in your life is not giving you the love you think you deserve, you’re prolly not giving it to yourself first.  Step back, go in.  Love on yourself.  If he/she/it does not […]

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move over Jesus: the Christmas miracle is L O V E

This Christmas, as in many Christmases in recent years, I am away from New York where I call home. Away from my family in Chicago, which was once home… and for a city of such flash, one is actually hard-pressed to find cheer anywhere other than a mall and I over-delight in every palm tree […]

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