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I remember the first time my soul sista Adriana told me about natural birth and the possibility of orgasmic birth and how important it was.

My first thought was: F*** NO.

I am a doctor’s daughter. I have vivid memories of my mother and father literally chasing me (I, screaming my face off) around our Chicago living room as a child, when he would try to administer a shot. I would kick, rage, bawl my eyes out, before the needle got anywhere near me.

The pain hadn’t even happened yet.
I was in abject fear of anticipation of the pain.

So when my most sincerest of yogi spiritual sisters espoused the benefits of natural birth, I could not ignore their passion and triumph, and I began to research myself.

I tell you this not to soapbox about childbirth— I am talking strictly here about FEAR.

I absolutely respect and honor each woman’s individual choice in childbirth. I am in awe of any and every woman who has ever given birth. Yet, once I educated myself about it, it pretty quickly became clear: if possible, natural was the way to go. For me.

I have not given birth. I have no children yet. And yet, I knew, the only thing holding me back from being on board with a natural birth was conditioning around fear.

And that is why years before I was even thinking about or ready to have children, I started to train and change my perception. I knew, without question, my mind, body, being and spirit had to be completely sold on what today is considered “out of the box” in childbirth. Particularly in the States. And particularly in Manhattan.

I did not want to live my life, fearful in anticipation of pain.

What happened in Brussels this week was heart-wrenching and horrifying. Yet if we live in fear, this is exactly what terrorists want. They use murder to manipulate our perception to fear. It’s astonishingly effective, because it’s the most terrifying thing out there.

Ironically, there was probably no safer time in New York City than September 12th, 2001. And there is probably no safer time in Brussels than this moment, if simply because to plan such an attack is so secretive and complicated— it’d be nearly impossible to pull off twice in one week. But it worked. The world, in grief, in fear, mourns for Brussels.

Choosing to live in love rather than live in fear, is not a split second awakening. (Wouldn’t it be lovely if it were that easy.)

It’s a slow needle-move of years of undoing our conditioning. It’s looking at the world around us and saying: I have the faith in something bigger, benevolent and magnificent.

It’s surrounding ourselves with examples and community of those who are living this way and have done it. Looking to those who are shining light in the midst of fear and saying: what did they do, and how can I do it?

We need to find and cultivate this community and this awareness in ourselves, so we can lead our brightest lives of love.

I’m really excited that next week we are launching the DIVINE FEMME virtual course. Because we are building the community of women who want to live in:

Complete authenticity.
Blazing love of their bodies as spiritual vessels.
Feminine leaders in business.
Magnetizing powerhouses of receptivity, light and love.
Alchemizing darkness to light.
Connection over competition. Ease, over aggression.
Living in mesmerizing radiance.
And of course, creating a life of LOVE over fear.

This is a needle-move we can only do together. We’re not even having a giant roll-out or launch process for the program, because I know, the women who want to be there will feel it in the deepest stirrings of their soul, that their own LOVE within is calling to them. No need for a big push, our own rising is welling up within and calling to us.

Choose the Love. Continue to choose it. It’s a process. Let’s encourage each other, celebrate each other, love on each other. We do it over and over and over again, until, even in the face of anticipation of pain, we are practiced enough to know that Love can be our Highest and truest Force.

It’s what we need now, more than anything. Let’s have the courage to love.

Margaret signature



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