Have you been feeling like everything has been coming up and going haywire the last couple of weeks?
Yeah, me too.
Here’s the thing: EVERYONE has been feeling this way. All my main peeps, whether students, friends, many of them healers + leaders in their own right, have across the board agreed: the last month or so, has been bananas.
It seems like it all started in what some dubbed “the most powerful + hardest mercury retrograde ever”… and still continues to go coco for coco puffs all around.
I’ve been noticing extremes in my own life. On one hand, there has been the profound joy + beauty in completing the 21 Days of Awakening Meditation, and: so. much. love. that has been streaming in from you generous, lovely people alerting me to your revelations and connections. (Thank you!) And on a personal note, sh** storms raging around me. No doubt: stuff is coming up.
All of this is compounded by the fact that the holidays are approaching. Boy does that put a stress on who we are expected to be for other people, where we should travel, how we should spend our time. I have a birthday next week and made a huge decision in recent days to set a boundary in my life that is going to require more strength than I’ve ever had to muster.
Here’s some things to remember as everything gets jostled in our lives these days:
  • You are not alone. We are all connected and in it together, darlin’s. If you are feeling overwhelmed, reach out.
  • To build on that: surround yourself with your tribe. The people that make it easy for you, love you, support you, hear you where you are, and are not intimidated by your light or expansion or growth. (Hint: this might not be your family… if it’s not, and there is a lot of family time on the docket in coming weeks, schedule MORE tribe time than you think you might need.)
  • We are still in a mega transition period in our collective awakening. (Sigh) I know it feels like you’ve been in it forever, and sometimes wonder how long this “seeking” will have to last… the key is, don’t focus on the end game, take it breath by breath.
  • NOW is the only thing that’s real. Even if we don’t like the way it looks right now. Especially when we don’t like the way it looks right now. Drop in to what is happening inside you now.
  • Self care is mandatory. Last week I had a 100 work week. It was awesome, but I was D O N E at the end of it. Today, I put on 4000 layers of clothing to brave the (WTF- early) frozen NYC tundra to bike to yoga. I stepped outside and thought: nope. Instead I came in, rolled around a bit on a yoga mat listening to my fave DJ Tasha on Soundcloud, for like, 20 minutes, and for today? That was enough. Listen to your body. Aim for ease.
  • Drop in to make sure that other’s demands of you align with YOUR truth + moral compass.

The clearer we are about what is going on inside of us, who we are + what we need to remain open (massage, doing nothing, egg nog, sex, no sex) the easier situations and demands will be when crazy is thrown at us.

That universal Source is always right there, waiting. We just have to remember it’s there. Just a second can rebalance + throw our ego/mind into the backseat where it belongs, and brings our heart + instinct to the fore, which is a much more flow-y place to be.

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